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RE: [ga] Domain Transfers

|> From: Eric Dierker [mailto:eric@hi-tek.com]
|> Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:05 PM

|> DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:
|> > Tucows has prepared a formal response to the 11/29 
|> > VeriSign letter on transfers.  This document and 
|> > others are cited at:
|> > http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/registrars/Arc01/msg01647.html
|> >
|> > Perhaps those seeking to represent the GA on the transfers 
|> > TF would care to comment on this document.
|> These are the August comments regarding this matter by Louis 
|> Touton.  Herein lies the problem.
|> I would like at this time to ask anyone to step forward and 
|> speak of any DN Holder who has been upset with their ISP for 
|> switching from on Registrar to another.  I think we have 
|> transferred thousands and the only time we have received a 
|> complaint is when there was a problem coming from a Registrar
|> bothering the Holder.

I have been reserving my comment on this subject because I think that the
entire issue is mindless nonsense. At least, for the corporate sector. No
one in that sector buys names from their ISP. Often they go direct to the
registry, or the most reliable and cheapest registrar. On their internal
networks, they are their own registry, for their own domains. It's a
security thing. I have personally sold a few root server clusters to support
such operations. No one with a competent network operations support staff,
outsources that function. Rather, they buy subsystems to support that
function internally.

As far as residential and Mom&Pop operations are concerned, they mostly
don't care. But, there have been many cases where the ISP makes themselves
the Admin Contact for the domain, against the best interests of the
registrant. Those issues are real. However, the ISPs choice of registrar has
little to no bearing on the ISPs customer's choice of registrar. if the
customer choses to use their ISP as a registrar then that customer deserves
what they get. IMHO, anyone acting the part of a registrar should be made to
qualify the same as any other registrar, or they shouldn't be allowed to
register for third-parties. This includes all ISPs.

Where transfer issues do come up is from registrar to registrar, where
registrars try to employ customer retention tactics. These sorts of games
are why MHSC still uses the NSI registry, for all of the domains that we
own. This is also one of the main reasons MHSC doesn't agree with the
existance of the registrar system. It's only psuedo-competitive. But, that's
yet another can-o-wyrms. MHSC, along with a few thousand others, don't much
care for yet another layer of bureaucracy forced between us and the
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