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RE: [ga] Domain Transfers

The only true solution to this is to materialize the domain name holding 
through a "title" remitted to the registrant and that title to be 
universally accepted in any place and in any registration service as a 
proof of the holdership and of the right to change parameters.

This is the main and best escrow service: the escrow at the concerned 
party. This what everyone does everywhere to demonstrate a property (the 
domain name or the use of the domain name depending on what you understand 
what a domain name is).

That title should actually be a smart card and will eventually be a smart 
card. However for practical operations the domain name must be acknowledge 
as a name of the Internet part of a domain belonging to someone.

1. the name cannot be sold without the domain it qualifies (cf. France). 
End of cybersquatting.
2. the name cannot pass before the domain it qualifies. Domain names are 
domain life long.
3. the name is registered for free or for a fee once for all.
4. usage fee may be collected making the name usable only when paid
5. anyone may pay for it - advertising, charities, family, state, etc...
6. names are for user convenience. They must relate to the web site. TM 
issues are not at the domain name level but at the domain level where the 
local laws apply.
7. the only reason why a name may be reassigned is when it does not fit 
with the domain it leads to (like putting a road sign "New York" on the 
road to Tipperary). This may only be decided by the users through a 
randomly chosen large jury of the concerned culture.
8. there is no reason why the real/cover owner of a domain should disclose 
himself more than he wants. End of the WHOIS, welcome to the QuiEst ( 
http://quiest.net ).
9. the user is free to chose a name for his domain and to register it under 
the flag (TLD) he wants.
10. There are as many flags as the users may want and there should be no 
discrimination between flag (TLD) managers. However the interest of the 
user is that Flags (TLDs) provide them with secure, stable and attractive 
services. So TLD squatting should be treated through netiquette and market 
best practices as documented under the RT/BP ( http://boroon.net ).

I know this is not what Verisign wants now, but this is what will happen on 
the long range. Verisign may help us getting it soon in cooperating or in 
us getting it back from the Govs long affter they setpped in and Verisign 
lost its business. Them to partly chose. The other part is for us and ccTLD 
to implement.


On 19:48 13/12/01, John Berryhill said:

> > Anyone who wants to change their Registrar should have to sign a document
> > with detailed about, from and to information and this document should be
> > notarized.
>...and every registrar should speak every language so that they can read
>notarial certificates from any country?
>If the registrant is "Xiaolu Chin", what would you expect their name to look
>like, let alone their signature, or the words on the notarial certificate?
>How about "Abdullah Ajami" or "Vladislav Krietskova"?
>In any event, of what use is a notarial certificate in any jurisdiction
>outside of the one in which it was issued, unless the notarial certificate
>is legalized by the relevant consulate?
>Do you know what notaries in some countries cost?  Most people transfer
>registrars to save money.  $35 per year for a domain name is *nothing* next
>to notary fees in a lot of places.
>Registrants are much more secure with something along the lines of a
>password-protected web interface than knowing that any teenager with a
>printer, a pen, and a seal from the stationary store can take any domain
>name they want.
> > Only the Technical or Administrative Contact should be allowed to
> > instigate
> > a change like this.
>And just how do you propose that anyone OTHER thant the registrant is going
>to be able to bind the registrant to the terms of the receiving registrar's
>domain name registration contract.  That's like saying the only people who
>can sell my house should be my accountant and my plumber.
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