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[ga] DNSO Archives: [announce]

It is very sad that these rules were so sloppy in their implementation.
But now they are manipulated by those in control.  We can either be a GA
directed by rules or one directed by the elite.


Title: DNSO Archives: [announce]
DNSO Mailling lists archives


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[announce] Formalizing Voting Procedures for the DNSO GA

[ To: ga@dnso.org, announce@dnso.org ]
[ To: WG's ]
[ To: council@dnso.org]
[ To: liaison7c@dnso.org ]

The DNSO General Assembly needs to formalize its voting procedures.
The very initial startup step consists to agree on the voting rules,
as proposed by Harald Alvestrand, Alternate Chair, and amended
according to the comments received, in:

Once the DNSO GA agree on the voting rules, the next step will
be to vote on the Voting Registry rules, in:

With the voting rules and Voting Registry established, the DNSO GA
will have its voting procedures completed, therefore ready for subsequent

The vote on the voting rules will be announced by the GA
Chair, once discussion on the mailing list is finished.

DNSO Secretariat

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