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RE: [ga] Please comment Candidate Roessler

|> From: Ross Wm. Rader [mailto:ross@tucows.com]
|> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 1:16 AM
|> > Playing against the odds is one thing, playing into a 
|> > stacked deck is a guaranteed loss. Right on up there 
|> > with running into a concrete and rebar wall, head first. 
|> > You absolutely know that it's going to hurt. So, don't 
|> > you do it.
|> >
|> > There is the pain of the required 8-10 grand unreimbursed 
|> > expense you sign up for, when you accept the privilege of 
|> > being the GA chair. That's kind of a showstopper in most 
|> > folk's accounting books. In case you hadn't noticed, 
|> > there's a recession going on, in the US. Considering that 
|> > the GA has no vote anywhere that counts, within the ICANN, 
|> > that's 8-10 grand for nothing. Where's the beef? It looks 
|> > like pure soy to me.
|> There are any number of people that would step up to the 
|> plate gratis if it were a worthwhile endeavor. If the GA 
|> could demonstrate even the smallest promise of ever being 
|> "organizable" then I am sure that candidates would be a 
|> lot more comfortable stepping up to the plate - even 
|> without a vote or cash recompensation.

It's plenty "organizable" but, without a reason to organize, most won't go
through the extra effort or commit the time/money.

|> There are a ton of great ideas that come out of the GA and a 
|> ton of good people here. Coherency and focus is, for the most 
|> part, incredibly lacking however.

As I stated elsewhere, lack of coherency and focus is a direct result of not
having anywhere to apply either. If there were a target and visible effect,
the folks here are of sufficient quality (most of them) that they would
probably rally for a concerted effort. Give the GA a vote, on the NC, and
you would probably see miracles. Give it a path to some chance of visible
impact and the focus here would come to a fine point overnight. However, I
suspect, that's exactly the effect that the ICANN BoD doesn't want. Focus
and coherency beg for something to apply them to, a target and a purpose.
The GA has neither and most of us know it.

As for the ideas, if they are so great, why are they consistently ignored?
Even if they are used, the GA NEVER gets the credit. Thus, blocking even
that meager gruel of positive feedback. As a body, the GA is starving, it's
past time to feed the animals. If I thought it would do any good, I'd call
for a strike until these issues are taken care of. That would be a clear and
simple example of coherency and focus but, the ICANN BoD would probably
(collectively) wipe their hands and say "finally, we're rid of those guys."

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