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Re: [ga] Accepting the nomination - Response and questions for this candidate..

Thomas and all assembly members,

  First let me say Merry xmas to you Thomas, and a happy new year
as well.  >:)

  More comments in response to your acceptance comments and remarks

Thomas Roessler wrote:

> (I'm asking for your pardon if this message's formatting is awful - I'm
> on the train currently.)
> 1a.  Full name of nominee: Thomas Roessler
> 1b.  E-mail address of the nominee: roessler@does-not-exist.org
> 1c.  Background information about the nominee:
> In real life, I'm a student of mathematics who's almost done.  Besides
> that, I'm interested in network security, and I'm the current maintainer
> of the mutt mail user agent. Finally, I've been interested in internet
> governance for quite some time now, and have been following ICANN
> matters rather closely since mid-2000.  One of my first ICANN-related
> activities was to start the icann-europe mailing list, which was
> reasonably successful at its time, but is rather inactive right now.
> Conflicts of interest: I've co-edited a minor standards track RFC, I'm a
> .org domain name holder, and I'm maintaining the icann-europe mailing
> list.
> 1d.  Statement of the nominee's objectives in the role as GA Chair
> My primary objective is to make the GA mailing list a place where
> reasonable and intelligent discourse can take place.  I believe that the
> GA will and should have a place in the ICANN process if and only if it
> manages to produce coherent and intelligent output, and if it becomes an
> environment which may be attractive even to those who do have a live
> besides the net.

  This seems to be contrary to you statements regarding the consideration
of the GA Transfer TF "Objection" post Thomas.  Perhaps you would
like to retract those comments or clarify these in that light?  It is fairly

obvious that you do not wish to work and play well with others,
as the saying goes...  Or so it seems at least.  We need a chair
that CAN, and MUST do so, regardless of the personalities
or members agenda's or interests involved.

> I don't believe that I'd be able to achieve this all alone: Indeed, by
> submitting this acceptance, I hope that I will be elected as chair or
> alternative chair (alternative chair-preferred) together with Alexander
> Svensson, so we can work as a team.  Even more importantly, what's
> needed is the goodwill and activity of the GA's members.  We'll need
> volunteers who are willing to help as list monitors, and election
> watchdogs.  We'll need volunteers who are willing to represent the GA on
> names council task forces, and help to tunnel important discussions and
> insights back and forth between the GA and the respective task forces.
> We may also need volunteers to chair physical GA sessions if the chair
> and the alternative chair are unable to attend such meetings due to time
> and budget constraints.
> Some initial steps to make the GA a better place include:
> * Back the list monitors' decisions.  There's a lot of slander,
> off-topic postings, and generally bad manners going on on the GA list.

  Can you define in your own words what you consider "Bad Manners"
as it relates to political commentary as is common in DNSO or ICANN forums?

>   This has to stop, even if it means that some members of this mailing
> list have to be banned from posting to it for some time.

  Ok, well I agree that this should and needs to stop.  I do not
agree that Selective Censorship is the way in which to achieve that
goal.  Censorship is wrong in any of it's forms!

> * Try to help structuring discussions, so they lead to actual results.

  Yes, as long as such structuring attempts  or efforts are not used as
a means to project any agenda of any political position that cannot be
argued on both sides or the issue(s) involved.

>   This can just mean asking the right questions, but it can also mean
> that a formal drafting and decision-making process is established.

  The only WRONG question is the one not ask...  I hope you subscribe
to that.  Do you?

>  The
> Best Practices or, for instance, some process derived from the W3C
> working group process could be applied - or some combination of these
> (the aspects from the W3C process I'm thinking of are kind of orthogonal
> to the Best Practices).

  Sure this could be considered and crafted into a motion(s) for the
members to vote upon as one of perhaps several choices...
However the W3C process, which I am quite familiar with, should
not be imposed and may need some modification to fit the unique
aspects of the DNSO GA and DNS issues of various types that
the GA has a vested interest in.

> * Try to make it easier to follow the list by producing summaries of
> discussions on a more or less regular basis.  Take a look at the kernel
> cousins web page to see what I have in mind.

  Ok.  Now it this part of your proposed agenda or a suggestion?
Will you be imposing this in various ways (Politically inclined) upon
the DNSO GA members or will you be presenting it as a possible

>  Note that this is not
> something the chairs have to do - indeed, just about every member of
> this list could volunteer.  Also note that such summaries would only
> make sense when there are actually interesting discussions to be
> summarized.

  Agreed here.  However defining what is interesting to some members
may not be interesting to others.  I hope that as a chair candidate
you would agree with that.  Do you?

> * Do some housekeeping: We have quite a few defunct sublists, some of
> which have been unused since July.  We should get rid of these.

  Good point.  But it may also be that some topics or issues need
to be segmented out through the use or sublists or WG lists..

> Finally, a word of warning: I most likely won't be able to attend
> in-person meetings of the GA at annual ICANN meetings. I certainly will
> not be able to attend such meetings without funding.

  This is indeed unfortunate.  Depending on whom is elected, and how
the candidates answer questions put to them, such as I have done here,
we will be helping fund the DNSO GA Chair...

> PS: An explanation for the timing of this acceptance may be in order, in
> particular because I have declined the nomination in a private message
> to Elisabeth Porteneuve some time ago.  I had hoped that some candidate
> I could support would show up on the list of possible candidates.  In
> this case, I would have happily refrained from being a candidate myself,
> and would have volunteered to help as a list monitor. This hope also was
> the reason for the slew of nominations I sent last night.  Bad enough,
> it seems that things didn't work out this way.

  Ah, I see here that you are still an advocate of the politics or
personal preference and/or destruction.  Indeed that is a shame...
Perhaps you would reconsider you PS comment above?

> Merry christmas,
> --
> Thomas Roessler (mobile) <roessler@does-not-exist.org>
> --
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