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Re: [ga] Common and Simple

Thank you, very much for this post.

I would like to see all you suggest come about.

However I would also like to see and increase in awareness
regarding the political/social/monetary impacts that these
seemingly technical matters have on the world.  And in that
vain like to see an increase in participation of differing
schools of thought.  This will require professional patience on
the part of technically oriented folks.

"Gendron, Michael (MIS)" wrote:

> Most of you will not know me - I apologize for that.  I have been on this
> list for  over a year, but have sent very few posts.  The reason is simple:
> I do not have the inclination to entertain the lack of professionalism on
> this list - so I wind up deleting most emails without reading them.  I am
> saddened by this and as one of my New Years Resolutions I have promised
> myself that I would read email from this list.
> There are many good and well-meaning people on this list.  They represent
> different viewpoints - that is what makes this list useful. However, I do
> not understand why this list (and others) devolves into personal insults and
> a general lack of professionalism.
> It is my hope that we can all resolve to eliminate personalities from this
> list, stop bickering, have constructive dialog, achieve goals, and get the
> job done.  The amount of bandwidth (and time) we waste nit picking is
> unconscionable.  If we used this time and energy to problem solve, perhaps
> we could achieve more.
> For those of you who I offend - I apologize L
> For those of you who agree with me - thanks.
> For the rest - get involved!
> For all of us - lets work to make this electronic meeting place somewhere
> where we can get the job done.
> Happy holidays,
> Dr Michael Gendron
> Associate Professor
> --
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