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RE: [ga] Structure TF Report (v6)
with respect to all, is there anything that stops the GA from replacing
her representative ?
On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 14:13, Gomes, Chuck wrote:
> Regardless of whether you like Danny's choice of words or not, it appears to
> me that what he is saying is probably quite accurate, at least with regard
> to the fact the report is primarily one prepared by Philip. I know for a
> fact that the gTLD Registry Constituency submitted fairly significant
> comments to the TF only to be largely ignored. There was not even any
> effort to discuss the points we put forward let alone consider any of them
> in the task force report.
> Unfortunately, this has become the standard operating procedure in the NC.
> Chuck
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DannyYounger@cs.com [mailto:DannyYounger@cs.com]
> Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 2:23 AM
> To: ga@dnso.org
> Subject: [ga] Structure TF Report (v6)
> Philip Sheppard has published his latest version of the Structure TF report
> (v6) at
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-str/Arc00/doc00013.doc
> It's still a piece of garbage, and it does no more than incorporate the
> IPC's
> comment that no policy recommendations should come from the ALSO separately.
> It's time for our GA rep to react to this travesty.
> The ICANN Board requested comments on the ALSC Final report from the NC
> within 45 days of their November 15 announcement: "Further resolved
> [01.126]
> that the Board invites comments on the ALSC Final Report from the Internet
> community as a whole, including the DNSO Names Council, the ASO Address
> Council and the PSO Protocol Council, and requests that any such comments be
> submitted within 45 days from the date of this Resolution;"
> Why are we participating in a bogus analysis of the ALM which is well past
> the deadline for comments, instead of looking at the restructuring proposals
> for the DNSO which have been put on the table? Why aren't we also looking
> at
> the restructuring of ICANN in light of the movement toward a ccSO? Why is
> the TF avoiding these other issues and only acting to attack the ALM?
> Does our GA rep support the position taken in the document that "There will
> be one additional at-large member than the status quo of five."?!!
> This is a call to arms. Either you start fighting back for the future of
> the
> At-Large or you put on your kneepads and grovel before the BC and IPC. The
> choice is yours.
> --
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