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[ga] RE: Survey


Let's set the facts out:  the small group is/was: 
Ross Rader,Registrar constituency;  Grant Forsyth, BC; Dan Steinberg,GA;  Rick Shera, ccTLD; and Mark McFadden, ISPCP, who worked on the survey. I invited them to undertake this project and participated ex officio, and then based on their draft, provided the typing of the FINAL version of the survey questions.   You seem to be accusing Ross of taking full credit for the work of the small working group. I'm sure he would never intentionally do that.    I asked Ross to act as team leader in the development process and he did so. I've heard no complaints from his colleagues in the drafting process.  

Assigning work and delegating is one of the functions of an elected chair. 

The step now before all of the TF is to help to "improve" the questionnaire. I note that the TF is taking input on the questionnaire. I suggest that you might want to work through Dan to provide constructive input. You have a wealth of experience that few have and your insights could help to ensure a good survey document.

On another front, let's not confuse the issues. When I was elected chair to the TF, I accepted the responsibility to be a chair, rather than an advocate. You may be critical of my style as a chair, or you may merely be critical.  

The BC position on the TF is represented by Grant Forsyth, who is an able representative of the BC perspective.

So, any concerns you have about who represents the  BC and their perspective can be best taken up with Grant. 

In the meantime, I consider it my task, as elected chair, to work to develop process; seek to hear all sides, from those in the TF who are engaged; from those who seem to be seeking to delay outcomes, and even to continue to cajole those who seem to be "missing in action" or too busy on some days, so that they make the time... that is the role of the chair.... and to create mechanisms to support the criteria of outreach, so that the TF can make a recommendation.

As you and I know... one can be part of the problem, or one can be part of the solution... isn't that always everyone's challenge? 

so, you've got a good part of your perspective about me and the questionnaire wrong. How about making a positive contribution through Dan and helping to fix any areas where you have  improvements in language? And then offer to help with outreach to users/registrants.

You have a unique set of background experiences.  Your perspective is undoubtedly somewhat unique. And would be useful to better understand and tap... to advise the TF's work. Please work through your GA representative. We welcome hearing about how to improve the survey.


-----Original Message-----
From: DannyYounger@cs.com [mailto:DannyYounger@cs.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 5:08 PM
To: ga@dnso.org
Cc: Cade,Marilyn S - LGA
Subject: Survey

Dear Marilyn,

You have posted a survey to the Transfers TF list, and you have indicated 
that "The survey was developed by a small group of TF members who worked 
together to generate a draft which is now presented to the full TF for input 
and suggestions."

As I review the survey, this document appears to me to be virtually identical 
to the survey that was solely developed by Ross Rader and which was 
previously posted (Feb. 21) to:  

Why don't you come clean, and admit that this is solely Ross's work-product 
that you modified only in the most minor of ways.   I have previously noted 
that you are under the instructions of the BC to advocate Ross's solution to 
the transfers problem... Can't you set aside your bias just briefly enough to 
allow others on the TF to participate?  You asked no one to assist in the 
preparation of this survey, and yet you present it as if it was a project 
given over to volunteers on your TF to handle...

Why not allow the other constituencies and the GA to get involved?  This 
should not become strictly the RC/BC roadshow.

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