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[ga] Re: [ncdnhc-discuss] [council] Re: ICANN Board resolution on .org (fwd)

Alejandro and all,

  We [INEGroup] I believe are for the most part in agreement with some
of Grant's concerns.  I would add that any RFP that the BOD now put
forward or is considering in doing so in the near term should not only
post it for review by the NC, but also the DNSO GA for a broader
and more inclusive review as well.  I would add that if there is ever
to be an At-Large this RFP would I believe interest those now
underrepresented stakeholders/users as well and bares a need for their
review and approval as well before such an RFP is issued or
available for actual bid.

Alejandro Pisanty - DGSCA y FQ, UNAM wrote:

> Hi!
> though the subject is near closed, this exchange may be of interest for
> many of you.
> Alejandro Pisanty
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 05:23:30 -0500
> From: vint cerf <vinton.g.cerf@wcom.com>
> To: Grant Forsyth <grant.forsyth@clear.co.nz>,
>      'M. Stuart Lynn' <lynn@icann.org>
> Subject: [council] Re: ICANN Board resolution on .org
> Grant,
> thanks for taking time to raise these questions; the dialog is
> useful.
> which specific recommendations do you feel were missing
> and should be re-instated?
> The board debated in some detail:
> 1. requirement that the bidder be a non-profit, and concluded
> that this requirement was neither necessary nor did it come with
> any assurance that the non-profit status was real or artificially
> created (e.g. by a for-profit entity). There is ample incentive
> for a non-profit to make a bid thanks to the $5M offered by
> VeriSign in such an instance.
> 2. The board concluded that efficiency operation for the current
> and anticipated users of .org was a key requirement and that the
> idea of specifically endorsing "good works" uses of "surplus" was
> an invitation to all kinds of oversight tangles that would not
> do the operator of .org, ICANN or the users of .org any good.
> The board is very aware of the time criticality of coming to a
> conclusion on a successor for .org operation by the end of the
> year 2002. Complexity in terms/conditions would make that milestone
> all the more difficult to achieve and would place operational
> complications in the day to day subsequent oversight.
> 3. The RFP will in any case be put up for public comment and the
> views of the Names Council will be of considerable interest to the
> board and staff.
> Vint
> At 05:24 PM 4/3/2002 +1200, Grant Forsyth wrote:
> >Dear Vint and Stuart
> >I note from the minutes of the ICANN Board meeting of 13 March 2002 in
> >Accra, that the Board resolved to direct the President to issue an RFP
> >seeking applications for the reassignment of the .org TLD.
> >Absent from the resolution is mention of key conditions of that RFP or any
> >reference to those aspects of the DNSO report on the matter which spells out
> >the consensus view as to key conditions of any such RFP.
> >
> >As the Business Constituency representative on the DNSO Task Force, the
> >absence of explicit reference to the specific conditions detailed in the
> >DNSO report concern me and the BC.
> >Another key recommendation of the DNSO report was that a draft of any RFP
> >prepared by the ICANN staff, be provided to the Names Council for review
> >prior to its public dissemination.  I see no mention of such a process in
> >the resolution.
> >
> >I understand that there may have been aspects of the DNSO report that were
> >not fully understood by the ICANN staff or were felt to be confusing by the
> >staff or Board.  If that is the case, I think I am safe in suggesting that
> >the Names Council would welcome the opportunity to dialogue with the staff
> >in an effort to explain any perceived confusion and misunderstandings or an
> >assurance that this is not that there is no such confusion.
> >
> >It would be a great pity if the DNSO, having worked so well to derive a
> >strong, consensus based recommendation to the Board, were in large part
> >ignored.
> >
> >I urge you to allay any concerns I and others of the DNSO have over the
> >apparent omission  of the explicit policy recommendations forwarded to the
> >Board by way of the DNSO report and assure us that those recommendations
> >will be included in the RFP and the RFP will be provided to the Names
> >Council for review prior to its public dissemination.
> >
> >I look forward to your response.
> >
> >Grant Forsyth
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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 121k members/stakeholdes strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
Contact Number:  972-244-3801 or 214-244-4827
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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