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[ga] Re: [GTLD Registries List] Request for immediate action to be taken against RegisterNamesHere .com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Henderson" <richardhenderson@ntlworld.com>
> I am understandably dismayed to see that 2089 .biz 2B names are STILL up for
> sale at the site RegisterNamesHere.com
> http://www.registernameshere.com/dotbiz2b.html

Some things to consider.....

1. There are apparently two .BIZ Proof-of-Concept Registries for 32-bit IPv4 users
to develop and test their names. People have to register with BOTH Registries to
ensure the proper operation of their .BIZ nameservers.

2. There does not appear to (yet) be much interest in the 128-bit DNS servers or
services for .BIZ. That could be several years off. Look how long it took for .COM
to develop enough of a following for interest in 128-bit DNS to increase.

3. Moving forward, all the .BIZ Community really has to care about is the list of
valid SLD.BIZ names which will be progressing beyond the "toy" IPv4 Proof-of-Concept
experiments run by ICANN and others. Why waste time arguing about their tests ?

4. It is very unlikely that ICANN or the companies ICANN is contracting with to
run the tests, will be part of the Next Generation Internet with 128-bit services. They
all seem to be focused on the experimental Proof-of-Concept 32-bit testing and are
not making the needed investments for the Next Generation Internet. The companies
that *are* making those investments, will likely be the companies to reap the rewards
from serving the .BIZ Community, if it ever reaches a mature state, which could be a
very long time.

5. When the 128-bit .BIZ DNS services start to appear, the existing base of SLD.BIZ
owners will of course be the natural population to progress forward. Those that have
their act together will progress and evolve. Those that do not, will fall by the wayside.
With thousands of TLDs in the Next Generation Internet, there may only be an average
of 50,000 SLD names per TLD. Why do you care what those names are ?

0:212     BIZ


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