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Re: [ga] Registrars Bill of Rights

William, whose highly constructive commentary is regularly to be found in 
"substantive" one-line retorts, states:

<< And as always, Danny has the right to be unconstructive and contribute
 nothing of substance to the discussion. >>

At issue is the fact that the DNSO has done little to nothing to establish 
consensus-based policies to curb what many view as abuses on the part of 
registrars and resellers.  It is within our rights to call for the 
establishment of policies to govern hoarding, warehousing, speculation, 
domain name expirations, etc.  

As a reseller, William, of course, seeks not to have any limitations placed 
upon his community.  It is his right to lobby for an unregulated industry 
with carte blanche powers to trample on the rights of registrants even while 
being an active participant in the Individual Domain Name Holders 
Constituency (perhaps this might explain why the IDNO has made such little 
progress, as it seems to be populated by resellers these days).

Members of the GA and members of the general public have on several occasions 
asked the Names Council to look into establishing such domain name policies.  
Unfortunately for us, on each such occasion, the Council has failed to place 
such matters on their Agenda for consideration.  Once again, this points to 
the need to establish representation for registrants within the DNSO and 
ICANN process.  

An ICANN that is dominated by commercial interests and which steadfastly 
denies representation to registrants is an ICANN that has forfeited its right 
to be called a public-benefit corporation -- it has become nothing more than 
a cartel for those stakeholders that financially prop up its regime.  As we 
consider ICANN restructuring, we should reject any approach that further 
enhances the powers of these dominant groups as long as neither the At-Large 
nor registrants in general have any true voice in the system.

Perhaps Mr. Walsh considers it wholly appropriate for registrars not to be 
forced to operate a public service.  Perhaps he truly believes that totally 
self-serving practices at the expense of the general public are warranted.  I 
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