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Re: [ga] Time to regulate the Re-Sellers

Eric and all assembly members,

eric@hi-tek.com wrote:

> Thomas,
> I agree in kind with you here.
> I just think that governments have existing systems to deal with fraud,
> false advertising, invasion of privacy and the like.

  Indeed they do in most cases or in most countries.  But Eric, as
you know even in the US, enforcement of such systems often do not
work well.  Hence incentives from the private sector can and
sometimes are helpful.  Unfortunately, due to poor leadership
within ICANN, such assistance in the form of incentives
have been lacking if not having the reverse intent or effect.
This is often referred to as incompetence...

> We do better fitting into existing systems than we do rebuilding as though
> reinventing the wheel.

  Sometimes yes and sometimes no here Eric.  As I recall, recently
Firestone/Bridgstone was found to need to reinventing it's Wheels's
( Tires).  >;)   As I recall, and currently still underway, the accounting
system in being reinvented due to some of the Enron debacle.  As I
recall, in the 1920's the SEC was created as because in part the
Federal Reserve could not adequately regulate the securities

> Also I like free enterprise to regulate not governments.

  Regulation works best with a partnership of government AND
Free Enterprise, as Free Enterprise drives in one way or another
the need of regulation or lack there of.  Free Enterprise alone
cannot regulate itself.  But Government also cannot hold a strangle
hold on Free Enterprise.  This is what ICANN along with the
DOC/NTIA was supposed to be, a partnership.  But such
a partnership, if to remain and maintain it's health and stability
must be a two way street...  Currently it is not.  And there
inlies much of the catalyst of the problems we are not being
repeatedly effected by...

> Sincerely,
> Eric
> Thomas Roessler wrote:
> > On 2002-04-09 14:57:14 -0400, Chuck Gomes wrote:
> >
> > >Therefore, I agree with Michael that the "appropriate place to
> > >complain is the regulatory authorities in the home of the
> > >offender" and not ICANN.
> >
> > Apart of that, it is, of course, also legitimate to complain to the
> > offenders themselves, and to the public.  (And, in fact, one would
> > hope that it would not be necessary to resort to regulatory
> > authorities at all, at least as far as core members of the ICANN
> > community are concerned.)
> >
> > After all, one could still hope that certain registrars and their
> > resellers may finally come to reason, and understand that the best
> > marketing you can get is a reputation for good customer service, and
> > for being worth customers' trust.
> >
> > On the other hand, practices like: sending out bills when the domain
> > has already been renewed, putting customers on hold for ten minutes
> > on international phone calls prompted by such wrong bills, spamming
> > customers of other registrars when their domain is due for renewal
> > (possibly deceiving them), hoarding domains, and whatever else some
> > registrars may come up with, - such practices have two effects: They
> > cause collateral damage to the collective image of the registrars'
> > and resellers' communities, and they can destroy any trust customers
> > may still have had into their current suppliers, if these suppliers
> > are engaging in such practices.
> >
> > As a corollary, they cause an increasing willingness even with "kind
> > of satisfied" customers to change suppliers.  This may (I hope!), in
> > the long term, have the effect that competition gives certain
> > registrars the necessary incentive to play by the rules.
> >
> > --
> > Thomas Roessler                          http://log.does-not-exist.org/
> > --
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