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Re: [ga] RE: [ecdiscuss] DNS independence

Marilyn and all assembly members,

  Dear members, I hope you are not being persuaded by Marilyns
"Glowing" diatribe regarding the IAB Chair election for it's new
Chair or John's tenure.  John is a fairly recently in the employ of
AT& T as well BTW.  He was previously employed by yet
another large Telecom MCI archives at
and ftp://ftp.tis.com/pub/lists/poised/poised.yymm  which isn't working
curiously at the moment.  Hummm?.  These are also excellent
places to look for the other area that Marilyn is a bit mispresented as
with somewhat misrepresenting the real history of the IAB of late.

  Here are some interesting archives regarding the questionable
method of determining or otherwise candidates:
Here is one form Leslie...

  So this is just a sampling..  Rather shocking that even the
of keeping the nominees secret or non-published is the next considered
chair is not for open and transparent process.  Sounds allot like John
Klensin and the BC as well...  Hummmm?

  Isn't this the same sort of thing that got the DOC/NTIA to
kill the IAHC and scold harshly Jon Postel fro making a
improper Root server switch some years ago?   Amazing
no matter how things change sometimes the still remain the
same.  History has shown that a change in these sorts of
secretive processes needed to be done away with.  Have
we all not learned of forgotten those lessons???

Cade,Marilyn S - LGA wrote:

> Jefsey, I offer one comment to your "misportrayal"  of the announcement of a new chair for the IAB.
> The IAB members and the chair step above their company affiliations and work for the good of the Internet community. That was true BEFORE John Klensin was IAB chair; WHILE he was chair, and WILL BE true with Leslie Daigle as chair.
> Companies do not chair the IAB; respected technologists and engineers of the Internet community do....elected by their peers.
> While AT&T was honored that the previous IAB chair worked for us in his "day job", we also understood and supported his role and independence on behalf of the Internet Community. And counted on it. :-)
> We trust that continues with Leslie's role as chair.
> You should reconsider your "headline". It totally misportrays the integrity of this fine group of Internet leaders.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jefsey Morfin [mailto:jefsey@wanadoo.fr]
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 9:06 AM
> To: ecdiscuss@ec-pop.org
> Subject: [ecdiscuss] DNS independence
> For information. ATT steps down and Verisign takes over as IAB Chair.
> http://corporate.verisign.com/news/2002/pr_20020402.html
> jfc
> --
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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