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Re: [ga] icannatlarge.com hacked

Sunday, Sunday, April 21, 2002, 12:07:00 AM, Joanna Lane wrote:

>> At 11:24 PM -0700 4/20/02, William X Walsh wrote:
>> >BTW, now the forum is password protected, since this was exposed.

> The forum has always been password protected, nothing new there. Thanks are
> in order to Joop for a speedy reaction to fix a small problem. Well done!

No, it hasn't Joanna.

This is a blatant lie.  From inception until earlier this evening
after this all came out on here, the forums were publicly available,
you had to login via a web script to post, but anyone could read.

Do not lie to defend your buddy, Joanna, it only ruins your own
credibility, and doesn't help Joop's any.

What probably happened here is the same thing that happened when the
IDNO.org website mysteriously disappeared one night after Joop got mad
at the the growing calls for his resignation from the IDNO, someone
pointed out how bad it made him look, and told him that if he
brought it back, they would make a post making it look like a
technical glitch.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
Save Internet Radio!  
CARP will kill Webcasting!

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