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Re: [ga] icannatlarge.com hacked

Sunday, Sunday, April 21, 2002, 12:07:00 AM, Joanna Lane wrote:

> The forum has always been password protected, nothing new there.

Also, if the forum has always been password protected, why isn't it
password protected anymore once Joop was told how bad his locking the
forum was making him look?

> Thanks are
> in order to Joop for a speedy reaction to fix a small problem. Well done!

Let's be clear about this.

In order for the Authorization Required feature to work, which is what
was happening when the forum was inaccessible, one must CREATE a file
called .htaccess in the directory the forum was hosted from, and in
that file they must include the following lines:

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/a/password/file/.htpasswd
AuthName "A Name of the Website Area"
require valid-user

There is no way that anyone can claim this was "accidentally" done
with any credibility.

It is not a simple configuration option that you could easily and
accidentally turn on.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
Save Internet Radio!  
CARP will kill Webcasting!

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