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Re: [ga] Auerbach vs. ICANN update

James Love wrote:

>   ICANN is not a start up Internet company... it is an organization that
>seeks a global mandate to govern .  Govern what?  is yet to be decided.
>Stuff like this lawsuit doesn't provide alot of trust.    Why doesn't the
>ICANN board tell Karl they can settle this informally, and fix the problem.
>Why do we need lawyers for this?  Give him what he is asking for, or at
>least set up a reason process to make it happen in our lifetimes.    This
>has to be less work than the litigation.
Jamie et al.,

It's not about what is cheaper for ICANN at this junctue; it's about 
maintaining ICANN's unaccountability.  If Karl's suit fails, this will 
basically send a strong signal to everyone critical of ICANN that the 
organization in question is beyond the pale of law and order, and is 
effectively autocratic.  Such a message would go a long way towards 
disheartening any meek opposition to the status quo.


Sotiris Sotiropoulos
        Hermes Network, Inc.


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