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Re: [ga] icannatlarge.com hacked

It's unfortunate that icannatlarge.com got hacked
-- now it's on par with icann.org... ;)

For all those currently worrying about icannatlarge.com:
The interim steering panel will soon be chosen by all 
those who have signed up. I find the list of candidates
quite impressive:

 Izumi Aizu
 Vittorio Bertola 
 Daniel Chalef 
 Dr Johannes K Chiang
 Eric Dierker
 Vivek Durai
 James Fiander
 Robert Gray
 Satyajit Gupta
 Richard Henderson
 Wolfgang Kleinwaechter
 Alan Levin
 James Love
 Veni Markovski
 Wawa Ngenge
 YJ Park
 Roozbeh Pournader
 Ron Sherwood
 Sotiris Sotiropoulos
 Bretton Vine

Soon icannatlarge.com will have an international volunteer 
steering team, probably with donated server space because
we already have some offers. So: Fear not, we will sort it out! :)

Best regards,
/// Alexander

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