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Procedure (was Re: [ga] Text of the motion...)

James Love wrote:
> Below was the text of the motion. ... 

> It is not clear to me how a member of the GA can get a vote.  As a matter
> of principle, I don't think I should have to persuade the Chair of the GA
> that a measure should pass before it is voted on.

You don't. What we all have to do is discuss it until there is at a
minimum something quite close to consensus -- a proposal that clearly
has quite broad support. A vote may be a good way to confirm that we
have reached that point. It is nothing more.

> The point of a vote is to find out what the members think, it seems
> to me.

No. You find that out via discussion. In fact, most of us shouldn't
entirely know what we ourselves think until there's been discussion.

Of course, we all have our opinions coming in (Lord knows, I try to
state mine forcefully now and then :-), but there is some chance of
change in the process. Sometimes others have good arguments for a
different position, or point out flaws in mine, or look at it from
some perspective I hadn't considered, or propose some acceptable
compromise, or ...

It is often useful and occasionally necessary to confirm our
judgements about what the discussion has agreed on, using either
a quick informal poll or a more formal vote. However, either is
pointless until there's something to confirm. That is, until
discussion has taken place. 

> I apologize to the Chair if he was insulted by my earlier comment
> that I didn't care what he thought of the merits of the proposal.  My point
> was not intended as an insult, but explain something about procedure.  If
> Thomas Roessler, who many believe to be hard working and sincere, can
> explain to me, a mere member of the GA and not someone who devotes his life
> to ICANN affairs, how to proceed, in plain language, I would be grateful.
> (this is not meant to be ironical).

does the above answer your questions?
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