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Re: [ga] Motion asking for GA poll on rebid of ICANN contract

Well sir you have made a fine analysis in this closing section;

But I must dwell on more than TRs social responsibility.

US participants have a larger role here and should step up to the plate and take

We have failed our World Brethren by letting our government act irresponsibly,
and that
means we have.  Here in the US we have no right to blame our government, only
ourselves, if
right is not accomplished.

Months ago I joined your Democracy group, not because I agree with you, but
because it
sends chills up my spine in pride that you have a right to say it and do it.

But with that right comes a huge Koffeltian responsibility and us "Americans"
have not fulfilled our
obligations in that regard.


James Love wrote:

> With regard to Thomas R's concerns regarding how such a vote would influence
> the ICANN' board's decisions regarding the future of the GA, I agree that if
> the GA proves to be extremely docile and unwilling to criticize the board on
> important points, it may rise in the eyes of those board members who cannot
> tolerate criticism.  It will also lose respect among those who see the GA as
> a forum for telling truth to power.  People will have different views on how
> to make the tradeoff.   People who disagree with the motion can vote against
> it.  At this point, a decision to not permit a vote will be interpreted,
> perhaps wrongly, that the ICANN leadership, including the GA Chair, believe
> the motion would pass.  In fact, I have no idea if the motion would pass or
> fail.  Finally, Thomas's comments make it clear that the motion doesn't
> suffer from lack of procedure, but is opposed on the grounds that it crosses
> the line in terms of what is considered acceptable discourse.  So this
> debate is both about the substance of the motion, and the issue of where (or
> how) this line is drawn.

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