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RE: [ga] Reminder: List rules!

Alexander and all,
I absolutely agree with the 5 posting limit and apologize for the oversight
on my part. In mitigation, I would just say that while some of my posts can
be put in the "advocacy" basket, others could be put in the "administration
basket", meaning at least two or three posts were updating the stats on the
Straw Poll and reposting the revised Time Line Guide. Thomas requested a
plain text version since he was operating from a PDA and as a courtesy to
others who may be in similar situation, and being aware of the posting
limit, I asked Kristy to do this for me. She had also kindly prepared a PDF
version as I do not have the capability. This could be viewed as working
around the rules.
No doubt you will agree that those doing strictly admin tasks for the GA is
to be encouraged and helpful, and I don't think they should be chastised for
overstepping their personal quota for that reason, not that I personally
have a problem with it at all, and will be more careful in future.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org]On Behalf Of GA List
> Monitor
> Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 4:44 AM
> To: DNSO General Assembly
> Subject: [ga] Reminder: List rules!
> Dear all,
> several people have been ignoring the posting limit
> on the General Assembly list in the last days:
> Danny Younger (6), James Love (6), Joanna Lane (6),
> William Walsh (8).
> I understand that we are currently debating a very
> contentious issue, but I also understand the people
> who have written to me asking for an enforcement of
> the list rules: Five postings per day, calculated
> according to the time zone of the sender.
> (See http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/GA.list-monitoring.html)
> Let's not be unfair to those who play by these rules.
> Best regards,
> /// Alexander (wearing the List Monitor hat)
> --
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