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Re: [ga] Role of GA

DPF wrote:

>On Mon, 6 May 2002 16:31:19 +0200, "Philip Sheppard"
><philip.sheppard@aim.be> wrote:
>>Danny, if you believe the "Council ... does not fully represent the complete membership of this 
>>organization", then isn't the solution to make the Council representative rather than attempt to forge the GA into something it isn't?
>The problem with this Philip is how does one decide the weighting of
>representation at the Council?  Just adding on a small business and a
>registrants constituency would help but I struggle with the notion
>that all constituencies automatically have the same number of Council
>seats as one could have anywhere between 4 and 15 constituencies
>depending how you sub-divide some groups.
>Should Council representation be tied to how much one pays to ICANN?
>how many active members the constituency has? how many people a
>constituency indirectly represents etc?
>The one person one vote proposal has some appeal as any other division
>of representation is arbitrary or worse.
My sentiments exactly.

Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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