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Re: [ga] Watching the voting registry

Alexander writes:  "The voting registry is suddenly filling with new entries 
in a few days."

This is great news, and perfectly in keeping with the spirit of the "Town 
Hall meeting" where members of the Community come in to register their 
satisfaction or discontent over issues under discussion.  Readers of 
ICANNwatch, the NCDNHC list and Slashdot are sufficiently attuned to 
activities within ICANN, and for many who otherwise either have no vote or 
will soon lose their vote (like the NCDNHC which is scheduled to be deprived 
of its voting rights on or around May 13) this is an opportunity to express 
their views.  

By the way, how does depriving the Non-Commercial Constituency of their right 
to vote accord with working to make the Council more "representative"?  
Perhaps Mr. Sheppard could comment on that point...
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