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Re: [ga] Motion # 1

I might add that this attempted diversion into cptech and its motivations will likewise not wash.
Using the kind of journalistic "word tooling" that characterizes much of TV, William X. Walsh
has said that James Love has "admitted" that he has PR motives.  Never just "said," of course,
but "admitted." But of course he has that motive; that's what cptech.org does. The real point
here, however, is that James Love is only the latest of a long line of proponents of what was in
his motion, and it is only that by coincidence of timing his motion happens to be at the fore at
the moment. The James Love motion cannot be reduced simply to a James Love campaign --
it is simply one succinct expression, provided at a timely moment, of a sentiment that has been
growing for years. This bit to which I respond is the reddest of herrings. (To those who may
not be familiar with U.S. political jargon, that is the raising of what seems to be a real matter
of substance, but which in fact is merely an attempt to divert attention from the real issues at

Bill Lovell

George Kirikos wrote:

--- "Ross Wm. Rader" <ross@tucows.com> wrote:
I am firmly against taking this motion to a vote.

Ditto. It continues to be inappropriate and out of the scope of the GA.

I checked out the website of cptech.org, to look at their "agenda". I
found some of their positions to be simply hilarious. For instance,
they're angry that Microsoft stock doesn't pay dividends!! Sheesh!


What's incredulous is that their point #1 is actually a *justification*
for not paying dividends, i.e. that shareholders are better off due to
the minimization of taxes. In point #2, there are thousands of other
stocks that one can buy, besides MSFT. Also, if one needed funds, one
can sell a few shares, instead of getting a dividend cheque. If a
dividend is paid, all that happens is that the stock goes down by the
amount of the dividend. So, if it goes down from $50 to $49, and one
h ad 1000 shares of stock, one could have raised the $500 in funds by
simply selling ten shares of stock at $50, and then holding 990 shares
at $50, with no dividends. Microsoft also saves a lot of cash from not
having to mail out cheques every quarter. (I'm not a MSFT shareholder,
but can understand there are good reasons for not paying dividends)

And these folks at cptech.org expect to be taken seriously? They've
marginalized themselves, and are probably proud of it, too. Let's not
do the same to the GA.


George Kirikos

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