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Re: [ga] Re: Individual Stakeholders Constituency

Friday, May 17, 2002, 1:57:49 PM, Bret Fausett wrote:

> Joe, Thanks for jumping in. A couple of points of clarification.

> Joe Sims wrote:
>> What Kent has proposed and Bret has endorsed is simply a varient on what
>> Esther and Denise and others are trying to do:  create some structured way
>> to organize and present input from individual users (whether domain name
>> holders or not). 

> The proposal Kent made and the one I endorsed was for a reform within the
> DNSO structure or whatever replaces the DNSO. I don't view it as a
> substitute for the At Large and what Denise is working on. They may be

What Joe is advocating, as well as others who see a threat to their
ability to control ICANN if it was truly open to the entire internet
community, is a structure that allows public participation via ONE
single vehicle inside the process, that makes it easier for them to
control, manipulate, or discount.

In fact what needs to happen is for there to be public participation
in EVERY organ of ICANN, from the election of Board members to the
SO's to the Task Forces, to the Working Groups.

And this scares them, because then they cannot control it and they
find the ability to manipulate outcomes would be grossly impaired.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
Save Internet Radio!  
CARP will kill Webcasting!

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