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Re: Membership criteria - was [ga] NC BS

Gary and all assembly members,

Gary Osbourne wrote:

> At 11:13 PM 17/05/02 -0400, t byfield wrote:
> >keep in mind that kent's experience also involves
> >the AL registration software...
> Ya, am well aware of that. Didn't mention it because
> Kent was ostensibly only involved in the technical
> end, though he did regale the ALSC forum with tales
> of a day of infamy when the Japanese might have been
> launching a sneak attack. His trigger finger was
> clearly itching on the DEL key, but he couldn't
> be sure if they were friendlies or the perfidious
> uninformed. At the last minute he let the bits
> fly by, and he still has the scars to prove it.
> >but really, the idea that outreach/input promoted
> >by motion #1 should be spoken of in the same context
> >as (alleged) ballot-stuffing is ludicrous.
> If one is 1 of say, 500 GA voters, or x number of GA
> posters, one has more influence than if the numbers
> are bumped up via *any* outreach. The same is true for
> any of us, but some of us aren't so frightened by that.

  Exactly the right attitude.  As we use to say in the USMC
"Never fear Kilroy is here!"

> >(btw, where's crocker when you need him?
> That part (and the other) of the C.C.Cyberus have
> been out barking at traffic caused by the revelations
> concerning the Blokzijl bunkmates.

  ROFLMAO!  How likely true!

> I guess he heard His Master's Voice:
> Cry havoc, and let slip the pups of misinfowar.
> I mentioned this on ICANNWatch:
> http://www.icannwatch.org/article.php?thold=-1&mode=flat&order=0&sid=744#6110
> where, as you know, one needn't be so reserved,
> and can call a spayed a spayed.

  Ah yes, and the reserved long for the days of AL Gore and
Bill Clinton.  But they are gone now.  So the reserved now
have to live with the regular speaking yet still informed folks
on the net.  Ain't that a dam shame now!  >;)

> And it gets worse. From fsckedco:
> http://comments.fuckedcompany.com/phpcomments/index.php?newsid=80174&sid=1&page=14&parentid=0&crapfilter=0
> Sounds like another round of layoffs at NeuLevel,
> also that the neulevel.com message I reported may
> have been caused by an about to be ex-employee,
> as I'd theorized to newsbytes (which is also
> now rumored to be toast). If NeuLevel doesn't
> get .org it appears that dog may no longer hunt.

  Yeah they (Nuelevel) want .ORG pretty bad along
with the ISOC dogs.

> And if one subscribes to the domino theory...
> Snapnames just laid off a bunch and its CEO
> jumped. Something to do with that WLS delay.

  YEah an we just had another one of Thomas's
"Announcements" regarding a new twist of dealing
with Delete issues, which I brought up some time
ago now here, for the TTF.  A bit late, but I suppose
better than never.

> One can hear Verisign to ICANN:
> We need WLS or we're in big trouble.

  Verisign is in trouble anyway.  Have you read their
stock reports lately?  They can't sell their core product
line "Security" very well.  No surprise there!

> And one can hear NeuLevel to ICANN:
> We need .org or we're in bigger trouble.

  And one can also hear Vint Cerf, "I need to keep
my ICANN Job".  WCOM's debt rating just went to
Junk status a few days ago and their stock in the
dumpster.  Institutional buyers won't touch it.

  One can also hear Marilyn Cade, also singled
out in Thomas's "Announcement" on the WLS/TTF,
"hay I need a boost to" AT&T after nearly unprecedented
5- to-1 reverse stock split still could not boost their
stock price much...
So I guess one has to wonder if such "Top Dogs"
really have a clue?  I think clearly not.  Their just

> And along comes the GA:
> We need a rebid.
> I suspect they'll run with the big dogs.
> >these unsubstantiated allegations should be enough
> >to tie his thunderbags in a knot complex enough to
> >stop string-theorists dead in their tracks.)
> Seems the ICANN superstring is about played out. -g

  There was never anything super about it in the first place.
Many of us knew this early on...  But the Olgelvy PR
bought them some time.  Pity that they wasted that
time, and did so badly.

  It's past time to let the "Smart Dogs" have a go!  >;)

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