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Re: [ga] an ISC

On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 01:56:56AM +1200, Joop Teernstra wrote:
> At 07:15 a.m. 18/05/2002 +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> >>...which will guarantee a potential to hold them hostage in an IDNO style 
> >>paralysis, especially when mailing lists are the sole means of 
> >>self-organizing and charter-writing. (GA clone)
> >
> >As opposed to web forums, where the _only_ archive available is
> >under central control?
> Is this a diversion? A "vorsetz" to a troll?
> I said *sole means* and I mean that there should be tools, more 
> constructive and *additional* to mailing lists.
> Also, web forum archives need only a few volunteer watchdogs to take 
> regular snapshots of the site's content to watch over its integrity.

It takes a great deal more effort to "snapshot" a website.  With a a
large, complex site with dynamic pages, it can be a major job. 

> The 
> "central control" means nothing in the open internet environment.

Sorry, that is so overgeneralized as to be false.

> Editing happens either under public oversight and democratic agreement, or 
> it is exposed as unilateral tampering.
> Mailing lists are the beloved tool for those who want to force their 
> "opinion" into everybody's mail box,  provoke angry reactions, create 
> diversions and stir up emotions.  At least one posting in this thread is a 
> good example of it.

Web-based forums have absolutely no superiority over mailing lists on 
that score.  

> One of the reasons that the GA isn't getting anywhere is its dependence on 
> a noisy mailing list without any other medium to solidify consensus in.

The reasons the GA isn't getting anywhere are manifold; *use* of a 
mailing list is a minor factor; the way the list is *managed* is 
probably a contributing factor, but is probably more a symptom than a 

Kent Crispin                               "Be good, and you will be
Technical Support Manager, ICANN            lonesome."
crispin@icann.org,kent@songbird.com                    -- Mark Twain

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