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Re: [ga] Byfield comments

Joe and all assembly members,

Joe Sims wrote:

> tbyfield@panix.com wrote:
>  really, if i may say so, your message is a bit bratty. basically,
>  you're saying that ICANN will do whatever it wants unless someone
>  puts an alternative program in front of their collective face. we
>  know how that works, though: if we did what you insist on, staff
>  would (a) ignore it, (b) kibbitz it to death, (c) mangle it into
>  something entirely different and call it 'consensus,' (d) accept
>  it, go off on a frolic if its own, and then subject all challenges
>  to absurdly litigious readings, and/or (e) some or (*amazingly*)
>  all of the above on an ad hoc basis.

  Joe, I must say, you yourself are demonstrating that you are a
very good "Kibitzer" yourself with this response.

  ICANN has already a.) Mangled the White Paper into a contorted
mess it calls a "Mission Statement" or "Reform Plan"...  b.) ICANN
has ignored the MoU almost all together... c.) Go's off on secret
Board meetings in strange locals and calls them "Retreats" and also
than, d.) Kibitzes to death the fact that these secret BoD meetings
are not documented for some strange but unsubstanciated reasons
(Read excuses)... and finally e.) Is amazed at ICANN Meetings
that most of the world finds their behavior illegitimate and

>  alternatively, if ICANN would like to hire me to edit their new
>  mission statement, i'm all ears. now there's a proposition. :)

  Well hell this ought to be worth at least one hundred grand $$
at your fee structure, don't ya think!    Jeeezz Joe, get a grip
on things will ya!  Shoot, give me a monkey and enough bananas
I can teach him to do a better job than you have thus far demonstrated...

> How convenient it must be to be able to sit on the sidelines and carp at
> the people trying to do the work, and then refuse to offer alternatives
> because they might not be accepted.  It's the ICANN version of "its my
> ball, so we will either do it my way  or I'll take my ball and go home."
> And yet you still seem to sincerely wonder why you have little influence?
> Self-delusion is a powerful force.
> Joe Sims

Jeffrey A. Williams
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