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RE: [ga] The Real World

Quick Translation: "We've been getting more or less what we want from
ICANN. We sure would hate to lose that golden goose."

On Wed, 22 May 2002, Cade,Marilyn S - LGA wrote:

> Dear all
> As is well known, I am one of the representatives of the business constituency,  I also work 
> within a company who is a major stakeholder in the Internet, wearing the hat of an ISP, 
> a business user, a web hoster, a famous ;' and well known brand holder, and acting as an 
> intermediary for several thousand businesses who have build web sites on the Internet.
> This post is as an individual:  BUT, I am the rapporteur in the BC on this issue and I believe that 
> business users are fully committed to the Evolution and Reform Process which ICANN announced.
> Did we agree with all the initial solutions proposed?    No.
> Did we agree with the list of issues to be addressed.Yes, largely.
> Are we willing and committed to evolution?  YES.
> Are we committed to ICANN's success? YES.
> It is easy to throw stones. Better, harder, and more important to work to be part of a 
> process to ensure private sector  leadership in the issues and responsibilities ICANN manages.
> I believe that you could say that the business users have taken sides as well. That is the side of 
> evolving, improving and stabilizing ICANN.
> Recently,  a multi lateral organization has raised its hand and said something like: what about me?
> I can do it better.Or cheaper. Or more like governments like it...  I have seen many postings from
> industry sectors who object to any efforts by governments or multi lateral organizations to encroach
> into the Internet via attempting to assume some of ICANN's functions.
> Industry says, no. Thank you, but no. We will continue to evolve ICANN and 
> welcome the support of governments [or multilateral organizations/treaty organizations] 
> to private sector leadership.  We urge governments to work to support ICANN; to participate
> in GAC. To lend support to ICANN's activities. NOT to compete, and not to seek to 
> take on functions which belong to ICANN. 
> On Evolution and Reform: 
> Will this be easy? No
> Will it continue to be a bit noisy? Yes.
> It is perfect? No.... 
> Will everyone be satisfied?Not likely.
> Is it worth it? Yes
> Regards, 
> Marilyn Cade
> Posting as an individual business constituency member and elected representative, on my own personal views
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William S. Lovell [mailto:wsl@cerebalaw.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 8:15 PM
> To: ga@DNSO.org
> Subject: [ga] The Real World
> The following should be of more than passing interest:
> "The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
> (ICANN) was set up in 1998 to oversee several important 
> functions that keep the Internet running. Ever since, it has been
>  criticized for lack of accountability and openness.  In February,
>  its current President, M Stuart Lynn, issued a manifesto 
> claiming that ICANN was seriously broken and proposing a 
> complete reform.  Although many concede that ICANN has 
> failed, few agree with Lynn's specific proposals, which 
> essentially call for a rebuilt organization with three to five 
> times the budget, more than 50 percent additional staff 
> and greater power.  Critics argue that this plan will create 
> a single point of failure, the very thing the Internet's design 
> sought to avoid.
> The upshot has been to reopen the intense debates that 
> preceded ICANN's formation. Even former pacifists,
> including Peter G. Neumann, who moderates the online 
> bulletin board RISKS Forum, and Lauren Weinstein of 
> People for Internet Responsibility, are taking sides.  They 
> say that an immediate handover to a less political, more 
> strictly technical organization, such as the Internet 
> Architecture Board, is necessary to avoid a meltdown."
> "Need to Know: ICANN CAN'T," Scientific American, 
> June 2002, p. 21.
> Bill Lovell

		Please visit http://www.icannwatch.org
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U. Miami School of Law, P.O. Box 248087, Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA
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