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Re: [ga] various comments

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Sims" <jsims@JonesDay.com>
To: <ga@dnso.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 5:20 AM
Subject: [ga] various comments

> Let me try to collectively respond to the various posts dealing with my
> previous posts.
> 1.  ICANN is a process, not a thing.  Its only purpose in life is to serve
> as a facilitating mechanism for issues related to the DNS for which there
> is no other available or preferable forum.  I understand that there are
> people out there who don't like that idea, and wish it were not so, but
> there are  also people out there that do like the concept, and so far, the
> latter have been more influential than the former.

No ICANN is not a process it is a thing. At this time it is a California Non
Profit Corporation and that is that.

> 2.  ICANN's mission, simply put, is to provide a forum for discussion,
> consensus building where possible, and decision-making on matters which
> either necessary or highly useful to the continued effective operation of
> the DNS.

So then neither ICANN or any of its children should be making any specific
decisions on the operation of the Internet or what protocols are routed on
it per se... As they can only attend to the DNS issues... Not a bad idea -
divest the PSO into their own Organizational tree.

> I understand that reasonable people can and do differ about the
> parameters of that mission, and so it continues to be debated. Some people
> think there is a broad consensus on this point, and others do not; in the
> meantime, decisions will be made by those with the ability to make them,
> exercising their best judgment as to the course of conduct that most
> conforms with the first sentence of this paragraph.

Without any real accountability per se as well.

> 3.  In response to Jefsey, the main accomplishment of ICANN  will always
> the continued stable operation of the DNS, for the benefit of all those
> that rely on it.

Then at this point ICANN is incompetent since it cannot even generate a set
of uniform end user DNS rights. Nor can it create nor has it created a full
set of operational models before ramming the solutions down the worlds
gullet in one fell swoop.

> If ICANN can provide the forum for discussion and debate,
> and make decisions as felt necessary, with the result that (despite all
> forces to the contrary) the DNS continues to perform effectively, that
> validate its existence.

It cant. Its structure is too wide to encompass a specific goal like this.


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