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RE: [ga] The Real World


-----Original Message-----
From: Kent Crispin [mailto:kent@songbird.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 12:58 PM
To: ga@DNSO.org
Subject: Re: [ga] The Real World

On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 06:25:32PM +0200, Marc Schneiders wrote:
> On Wed, 22 May 2002, at 23:15 [=GMT-0400], Cade,Marilyn S - LGA wrote:
> > You must be joking if you equate the registrars and registries with
> > the business users. Don't mistake us. WE are users.
> A small but important part of the users, sure.

Sorry, that is utter nonsense.

*Most* domain names are registered for business purposes.  (Old
estimates from NSI were on the order of 70% of registrations in
.com/net/org combined.  These estimates are necessarily rough, but even
a casual examination supports it.) If you count domains registered by
speculators as a business use, the proportion would be even higher.  If
you throw in all other organizational use, the porportion gets even
greater.  Domains registered by individuals for purposes other than
business are a *very* tiny minority of the domains registered, and in
this regard the GA is completely non-representative. 

*Any* representation scheme that gave equal weight to the various users
of the domain name system would end up with business getting an
overwhelming majority of the votes.


Kent Crispin                               "Be good, and you will be
Technical Support Manager, ICANN            lonesome."
crispin@icann.org,kent@songbird.com                    -- Mark Twain

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