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Re: [ga] GA

ploki_xyz@hotmail.com (Fri 05/31/02 at 06:58 PM +0000):

> I could not fail to notice an increasing insistence (and not only in this 
> list) in trying to resuscitate the dead body of the IFWP.

i can't speak for others, but i can say that in response to your question 
about criteria one could apply either to a re- form of ICANN or to a pos-
sible successor, i mentioned *looking back at those materials with the 
benefit of hindsight*. this you dismissed with vaporous rhetoric about 
'internet years´ and, now, with a rather silly necromancy metaphor.

> ICANN has been chosen by USG (DoC), there's no evidence that it has been 
> given results that were not in line with the desiderata of its owner.
> Please stop claiming that USG has been victim of the international 
> communist plot by the Gnomes of Zurich, USG has been in charge and in 
> command, and not fooled by anybody or anything.

for reasons of economy i snipped our your bit about rewriting history,
but it seems odd that you'd make that claim then indulge in this kind
of rubbish.

> Anyway, no point in rehashing the past, except that we have to remember it 
> in order not to repeat it.

for reasons of economy i snipped out your bit about the MoUvement, but
if this is how you mangle santayana, i'd be curious to hera how you do
the same to marx's observation that thef irst time it's a tragedy, the
second time a farce.

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  • References:
    • RE: [ga] GA
      • From: "Roberto Gaetano" <ploki_xyz@hotmail.com>
    • RE: [ga] GA
      • From: "Roberto Gaetano" <ploki_xyz@hotmail.com>

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