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Re: [ga] Still more fraud being reported...

Michael and all assembly members,

  Do you have the original post for this "Other Side of the Story"?
If not, I have trouble taking it on face value.

  From reading it closely several times, this concocted story
from supposedly "Afilias" ( But who know who at Afilias ), it
seems allot more like "Spin" than reality in several areas.
I think that many here will see that clearly...

Michael D. Palage wrote:

> Just so both sides of the story are heard, it might be helpful to read
> Afilias response to Bhavin's analysis.
> To: ICANN Registrar Constituency
> From: Afilias
> Reference: Turakhia Registrar Posting w/r/t .INFO Challenges
> We note Mr. Turakhia's recent posting to the Registrar Constituency mailing
> list regarding the ".INFO names still unchallenged."  We regret that he
> failed to contact Afilias to ascertain the facts surrounding this process.
> As a result, there are a number of gross inaccuracies in his posting.
> First, all of Mr. Plankenstein's domains HAVE been challenged.  Mr.
> Plankenstein's 140 allegedly unchallenged domain names are not part of LR2
> because they have not yet completed the challenge process.  Second, many of
> the people or organizations that Mr. Turakhia has alleged as committing
> fraud show numerous legitimate trademark owners who used an alias account
> through a common registrar.  In other instances, registrars inadvertently
> supplied incorrect registrant data, which they later corrected in the Shadow
> database.  Mr. Turakhia evidently relied on the original, faulty data.
> Regarding the 6 specific names cited by Turakhia:
> -- You will note in the Whois that the 3 Plankenstein names (alava.info,
> aragon.info, avila.info) remain locked. All three were challenged by members
> of the public.  Two remain subject to Afilias challenges of last resort, and
> the winning public challenger has not yet taken possession of the third.
> -- The other three (accelerator.info, airwear.info, findus.info) were either
> challenged by Afilias or found to be valid Sunrise registrations.
> None of Mr. Turakhia's examples hold up against the facts, and his
> conclusions are deeply flawed.
> Afilias has expended a significant amount of resources attempting to
> identify inappropriate registrations, and when qualified trademark owners
> have established proof of their rights in a mark we have withdrawn
> challenges.  Afilias acknowledges that there may still be inappropriate
> Sunrise Registrations and believes that it has used reasonable safeguards to
> identify a significant number of inappropriate registrations.  Further,
> aggrieved parties have recourse to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute
> Resolution Policy (UDRP) and the legal system to resolve remaining issues.
> We suggest to Mr. Turakhia that, should he have any additional questions or
> comments in the future, it would be beneficial to the greater community to
> verify the facts before making public comments.
> Best regards,
> Afilias
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org]On Behalf Of
> DannyYounger@cs.com
> Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 3:19 PM
> To: ga@dnso.org
> Subject: [ga] Still more fraud being reported...
> >From the registrars list:
> Afilias released 17022 names in the .INFO Landrush 2, however the same
> People who registered these 17022 FRAUDULENT SUNRISE Names, continue to own
> another 14000+ names which have NOT been challenged by Afilias (The numbers
> may not be exact - check inaccuracies section on online report)
> For instance lets take the LARGEST Fraudulent Domain Registrant -
> Plankenstein, who had fraudulently registered 4938 .INFO Domains in the
> Sunrise period. Plankenstein still continues to own approximately 140
> Sunrise domains after the Afilias Landrush is over. Check the whois on
> alava.info, aragon.info, avila.info etc.
> Visit http://dotinfo.directi.com for the complete research (an interesting
> study born out of one night of insomnia and boredom)
> A far more smarter FRAUD which has gone undetected is that of
> domain@se.euro909.com. In the .INFO Sunrise this email address had
> registered 663 .INFO NAMES. After the Afilias Challenge the same email
> address continues to hold 646 UNCHALLENGED names. Check the whois on
> accelerator.info, airwear.info, findus.info. Notice that very smartly this
> person has put in DIFFERENT Registrants for each domain name, however the
> FUNNY part is that EVERY DOMAIN NAME has a trademark date of 2000-10-01 and
> all the Registrants share the same email address (oh yea and all of them
> have a funny phone number too).
> Check out the Complete list at http://dotinfo.directi.com
> Best Regards
> Bhavin Turakhia
> Directi
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/registrars/Arc01/msg02477.html
> --
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> --
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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