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[ga] Esther, time to call for a rebid

The current Committee on ICANN reform document is so over the top, it would
seem that it must shred the threshold of accountability for Esther, Marilyn
Cade, Philip Shepard, Steve Melalitz, and MPAA and others who have tolerated
some bad things.   I can't imagine this eminent persons trusteeship model is
acceptable to anyone with any sense of civics.  What can or will the more
establishment figures do about this?  Are the alternatives really worse?


----- Original Message -----
From: "James Love" <james.love@cptech.org>
To: <RANdom-bits@lists.essential.org>
Cc: "vint cerf" <vinton.g.cerf@wcom.com>; "Joe Sims" <jsims@JonesDay.com>;
"Alejandro Pisanty - DGSCA y FQ, UNAM" <apisan@servidor.unam.mx>;
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 8:01 AM
Subject: [Random-bits] global government without representation ICANN style

: WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?   The Committee on ICANN "reform" and evolution
: released its most astonishing document yet.   It wipes away every single
: area where there might be independence from a completely all powerful
: of directors, which can pretty  do whatever it wants with the global DNS
: system and controls its own elections (by hand picking its electors).  It
: takes the current dysfunctional body, the ICANN DNSO, which is supposed to
: make bottom up policy for domain name policy, and it replaces it with a
: system where the ICANN board directly picks its chair and as many members
: the steering committee it considers appropriate.  It eliminates an elected
: chair of the DNSO General Assembly.  It take away the DNSO's right to
: members of the ICANN board, and the new "GNSO" can't really decide
: anymore anyway, just in case the total control by the ICANN board isn't
: enough of a power grab.  It gets rid of the "PSO", which includes
: independent groups as the IETF or the W3C, which have not been
: docile.   The DoC MoU required independent review process, which was never
: implemented, is now toast.   There is a loser pays arbitration just to ask
: if the ICANN board is not obeying its own bylaws, which of course it can
: change at the drop of a hat if it needs to.
: This document is so completely in your face to the US Department of
: and the Internet community one has to admire the guts of the current ICANN
: board.  Vint Cerf, Joe Sims and the Reform Committe make Bill Gates and
: Steve Balmer look like wimps.  Jamie
: http://www.icann.org/committees/evol-reform/recommendations-31may02.htm
:          Recommendations for the Evolution and Reform of ICANN
:       Posted: 31 May 2002
: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
:       Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform
:       Recommendations for the Evolution and Reform of ICANN
:       ========
:       II. Board Composition
:       These general principles lead us to the following conclusions on
: composition:
:         a.. The following should be ex officio Board seats, meaning the
: person who currently holds that position occupies an ICANN Board seat:
:           a. The CEO of ICANN
:           b. The Chair (or delegate) of the GNSO Steering Committee
: (Appointed by BOD)
:           c. The Chair (or delegate) of the ASO Council
:           d. The Chair (or delegate) of the CNSO Steering Committee
:           e. The Chair (or delegate) of the GAC
:           f. The Chair (or delegate) of the RSSAC
:           g. The Chair (or delegate) of the SAC (appointed by ICANN CEO)
:           h. The Chair (or delegate) of the TAC if established, or if not,
: the Chair (or delegate) of the IAB.  (TAC probably appointed by  CEO)
: * ICANN requests comments on whether or not some or all of these
: should be non-voting members.
: * There should be [five to eleven] additional members of the
: Board, selected by a Nominating Committee.
: * Nominating Committee both nominates and elects member the [five
: to eleven] non-ex officio board members.  It also placed members directly
: the GNSO and other ICANN "advisory" bodies.   It is chaired by an ICANN
: board member.
: * Basically, the ICANN board chooses the Nominating Committee,
: which in turn chooses the board.  The ICANN board may also have the right
: reject candidates selected by its hand picked nominatng committee.
: NEW FACE OF DNSO (now called GNSO)
: ICANN board picks the chair of the new GNSO, and the GNSO
: steering committee includes "an appropriate number of other members
: by the ICANN Nominating Committee."  The head of the GA will be chaired by
: the ICANN board selected chair of the GNSO.   GNSO selects zero ICANN
: members.
: "The Protocol Supporting Organization should be dissolved."
: --------------------------------
: James Love mailto:james.love@cptech.org
: http://www.cptech.org +1.202.387.8030 mobile +1.202.361.3040
: _______________________________________________
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