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[ga] ICANN 2.0

Title: Help
[ignore 'Help' title error]
Dazzling, Danny!
It sums it all up. ICANNspeak and ICANNconsensus to perpetuate the Board's powerbase. It's all Alice in Cyberland stuff.
One of the crispest, most effective posts I can remember. The analogy is focussed perfectly on its target.
To all those other "Tienanmen Square" party advocates who want to suppress the true voice and authority of ordinary people all over the world, I say: Shame on you!
We, the huge majority and largest constituency, the ordinary and non-aligned internet users of all nations, have the right and responsibility to determine the future of OUR internet for ourselves.
Restore democratic accountability to this grotesque parody of "openness".
And would Dan Halloran kindly show the courtesy of answering my 14 questions now please : it has been 3 weeks without acknowledgement (despite repeated reminders) and if you call that openness then I rest my case.
Thank you Danny Younger, for the clearest and sharpest satire yet of a leadership that deserves derision and contempt.
Brilliant and dazzling!
Richard Henderson
"The Internet for Everyone"   "It's YOUR internet"

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