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[ga] ISOC set to bid on .org

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Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 21:01:03 -0400
From: Lynn St.Amour <st.amour@bluewin.ch>
To: isoc-chapters-presidents@isoc.org
Subject: [isoc-chapters-presidents] IMPORTANT: .ORG - Chapters

Dear Chapter presidents,

The ISOC Board recently voted to support a bid from ISOC to the 
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, Inc. ("ICANN") 
to succeed VeriSign, Inc. as the registry operator for the .org 
top-level domain.

Our partner for the back-end registry services provider will be 
Afilias, Inc. see http://www.afilias.info for more information.   As 
you can appreciate, as the bid period is still open, it is difficult 
for us to give  details on our application or on our agreement with 
Afilias but it is attractive for ISOC in a number of respects.

We believe this is a good opportunity for both ISOC and the 
non-commercial constituency that .org serves.    ISOC's mission is 
wholly consistent with that non-commercial philosophy and our plans 
for .ORG will enable it to flourish as a truly global home dedicated 
to serving the unique interests of non-commercial organizations on 
the Internet.   And, we expect to be able to add significant value to 
the registry space in total, given our roots, values and technical 

We will soon be beginning  a more visible outreach effort to solicit 
endorsements in support of our bid to run the .org registry.   Our 
intent is to solicit letters of endorsement from you - the ISOC 
Chapters,  and we would like to enlist your support in reaching out 
to your board members, either as individuals or on behalf of their 
organizations in the instances where this is appropriate.    It would 
also be helpful if you could reach out to other important or 
influential organizations or individuals.  We are particularly 
interested in other non-commercial organizations, as well as 
international ones, and it would be very helpful (once you have 
received the appropriate documents) if you would forward the request 
for support on to any individual or organization you feel appropriate.

You will soon be receiving the documents mentioned above 
(electronically) and these are intended to help in the solicitation 
effort.   I certainly hope you join both myself and the Board in 
supporting this effort.   Should you receive any specific questions 
on our bid, please feel free to direct them to either David Maher or 
myself and as I mentioned earlier we should remember that the bid 
period is still open and therefore be somewhat thoughtful in our 

Best regards,


Lynn St.Amour
President & CEO
Internet Society

US Office: +1 703 326 9880 ext. 106
European Office: + 41 22 807 1444
Mobile: + 41 79 202 3127
email: st.amour@isoc.org
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