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[ga] [Fwd: ... H2K2, Public Voice]

Announcements, forwarded from the politech list, of two
conferences that may interest people here:

Public Voice in Internet Policy
Washington, June 22

H2K2: NY, July 12-14

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FC: Events: Observing Surveillance, H2K2, Public Voice
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 10:41:03 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com>



Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 11:39:39 -0400
To: declan@well.com
From: Sarah Andrews <andrews@epic.org>
Subject: Public Voice event

Hey Declan,

Wondering if you could post this on your list at some stage.


On Saturday June 22 ,the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in 
association with INET 2002, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibilty 
(CPSR) and Georgia Tech IP3, will host a one-day public symposium on the 
Public Voice in Internet Policy. Leading academics, technologists, and policy
makers from around the world will come together to discuss the future 
rights and freedoms of the public in the information age. Topics to be 
considered include ICANN reform and public participation in Internet 
governance; the privacy and free speech implications of recently passed 
Terrorism and Cybercrime measures; and the future of the Public Domain in a 
world of increased intellectual property laws, Internet commercialization 
and media consolidation.
Details and registration at: http://www.thepublicvoice.org/events/dc02/


To: declan@well.com
From: Macki <macki@2600.com>
Message-ID: <20020602221034.omerta.34fcdde37be8.6144@rotten.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2002 22:10:34 -0700
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Subject: Re: H2K2 announcment
X-UIDL: 4f89856c1b703af536c67b15165c9efa


    Keynote speaker #1: Aaron McGruder, author of the daily comic strip
    "The Boondocks" which has devoted time over the years to hacker
    issues, most notably the DECSS case. McGruder is one of those rare
    individuals with access to the mainstream who actually "gets" the
    technical issues. Needless to say, he has been targeted relentlessly
    by censors for daring to speak his mind. Sound familiar?

    Keynote speaker #2: Siva Vaidhyanathan, professor at NYU and the
    University of Wisconsin, frequent NPR commentator, and author of the
    recently published "Copyrights and Copywrongs." Vaidhyanathan is an
    expert on what's going on with copyright law, the dangers we're
    facing, and how it will all ultimately change our society. His talk
    will focus on "life in a distributed age" where distributed
    information systems of all kinds are challenging cultural and
    political assumptions. He says, "The moral of the story is that
    whether we like it or not, it's time to take anarchy seriously. We
    have spent the past 200 years thinking centralization of power and
    information was the greatest challenge to republican forms of
    government and corporatized commerce. But now, it should be clear,
    decentralization and encryption have emerged as the most important
    dynamics of power."

    Mark Hosler. Lead singer of Negativland - the band that got sued by
    nearly everyone, including their own record company - will be
    addressing issues of fair use and censorship, plus presenting a video
    display of Negativland's past and future.

    Robert Steele, former clandestine case officer (spy), author of "On
    Intelligence: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World," president of Open
    Source Solutions Inc. He was once described by writer Bruce Sterling
    as "about 100 times smarter and 10,000 times as dangerous as the best
    of the hackers, for he is successfully hacking the most challenging of
    bureaucracies, the U.S. intelligence community, and doing it for the
    right reasons."

    Cult of the Dead Cow. Nobody can predict what this year's stage show
    will include. Whether it's releasing new software that will really
    piss off Microsoft or dancing with Jello Biafra on stage as part of a
    twisted "bow to the cow" ceremony, the cDc will continue to prove
    their dominance as a corrosive influence on young minds everywhere.

    The Mentor. You've probably heard "The Conscience of a Hacker" quoted
    all over the place, including the movie "Hackers." It remains one of
    the most inspirational pieces written about the hacker community and
    it's survived well over time. This year, we're pleased to have the
    author of the piece himself give a reading of it and offer additional

    Steve Rambam. A favorite of the HOPE conferences, Rambam is Senior
    Director of Pallorium, Inc., a licensed investigative agency, with
    offices and affiliates worldwide. He offers dramatic technical insight
    into the world of private eyes and the many databases that contain
    information on all of us. You'll learn what you can do to protect
    yourself and see some live demonstrations that show just how fleeting
    privacy is.

    Uzi Nissan. The Nissan family has been around a lot longer than the
    car manufacturer. But that hasn't stopped them from being mercilessly
    harassed with lawsuits for daring to register the site nissan.com.
    You'll see the tactics that are used against the "little guy" and find
    out what it takes to fight corporate America.

    John Young. Founder and operator of one of the web's most valuable
    resources - cryptome.org. No stranger to controversy, Young continues
    to publish and link to information on such subjects as Echelon and
    Tempest and was among the first to publish the complete transcript of
    the trial involving Osama Bin Laden in 1994. More recently, Cryptome
    tracked down 20 year old testimony of MPAA chief Jack Valenti that
    showed how the movie industry believed VCRs would destroy Hollywood.

    Deborah Natsios. Operator of Cryptome's companion site, cartome.org,
    described as "an archive of news and spatial/geographic documents on
    privacy, cryptography, dual-use technologies, national security and
    intelligence -- communicated by imagery systems: cartography,
    photography, photogrammetry, steganography, camouflage, maps, images,
    drawings, charts, diagrams, IMINT and their reverse-panopticon and
    counter-deception potential."

    Andy Mueller-Maguhn. Involved with Germany's Chaos Computer Club since
    the 80's, organizer of the annual CCC Congress in Berlin, and more
    recently elected to the board of The Internet Corporation for Assigned
    Names and Numbers (ICANN) where he offers his unique perspective and
    reports back to the people on what is really going on inside that
    mysterious and powerful organization.

    Rop Gonggrijp. Founder of the Dutch publication Hack-Tic which wound
    up evolving into xs4all, one of the biggest Internet providers in the
    Netherlands. Also a key organizer of the Dutch hacker conferences that
    wound up inspiring the original HOPE conference in 1994 and continue
    to inspire us to this day.

    Eric Grimm. Not only does he understand Internet issues, he has a real
    passion for cutting through legal gibberish and getting to the real
    issue. This is the guy who beat Ford in court when they sued us last

    Mike Godwin. The former Staff Counsel for the Electronic Frontier
    Foundation, Godwin has a long history of defending individual rights
    on the net and standing up for free speech everywhere. He is the
    author of "Cyber Rights: Defending Free Speech in the Digital Age."

    Robin Gross. Currently a staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier
    Foundation specializing in intellectual property and fair use.

    Gweeds. Known throughout the community as a hacker activist (not a
    hacktivist). Gweeds is known to raise eyebrows, issues, and the
    general level of intelligence in whatever room he's in.

    Pud. Founder of one of the favorite web sites on the net today -
    fuckedcompany.com - where people in the industry go to find out and
    possibly spread the latest rumors on the internal workings - and
    sometimes imminent collapses - of all kinds of companies. You'll learn
    the trials and tribulations of keeping such a site going as well as
    why it serves a vital function.

    Bernie S. Longtime hacker, 2600 writer, and information gatherer. He
    is not a friend of the authorities and has been targeted and
    prosecuted by them in years past. It hasn't kept him from continuing
    to investigate technology, asking lots of questions, and sharing what
    he learns.

    Emmanuel Goldstein. Co-founder, editor, and publisher of 2600
    Magazine, host of WBAI's "Off The Hook," producer/director of "Freedom
    Downtime," and chief organizer of the HOPE conferences. Frequently
    blamed for the downfall of society.

    Cheshire Catalyst. The last editor of "Tap" Magazine, the publication
    for phone phreaks and computer hackers that existed in the 70's and

    Doug Thomas. Journalist and author of "Hacker Culture." Thomas did a
    number of pieces on the Kevin Mitnick story, one of the few writers
    who actually tried to get to the bottom of the story.

    Mike Levine. Host of the "Expert Witness" radio show on WBAI and
    author of numerous books. A 25 year veteran of various federal
    agencies. If you've ever heard his show (which immediately precedes
    "Off The Hook"), you know that this is a guy who knows how the federal
    system works - and how it doesn't. With the FBI just being granted
    sweeping new powers, this is one of the few people who will tell you
    exactly what it means.

    Again, this is merely a preliminary list of what we're working on for
    the conference. You can also look forward to panels and talks on
    social engineering, pirate radio, conspiracies of all sorts, 802.11
    fun, lockpicking, nanotechnology, Indymedia, cryptography,
    steganography, satellite hacking, and a whole lot more plus showings
    of your favorite hacker movies including "Freedom Downtime" and a
    brand new one called "Owned."


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