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Re: [ga] Companion Dispute Proposal to WLS Service

Dan and all assembly members,

Dan Steinberg wrote:

> Actually I have to disagree...it's not the same as having a domain name.

  Well no it is not the same as having the Domain Name, but it is the next
thing to it, and it is likely that they will have the Domain Name, which is
so close to the same thing the distinction is hardly worth discussing and
certainly not worth debating...

> You can't go look at the use of the domain, since it's not even
> registered let alone 'live'.

  Use, is not relevant here Dan...

>  You don't even know if it will ever be
> used, since the WLS is just a 'place in line' and not actually a ticket.

  Right.  But selling "Places in a line" at a price to the highest bidder
and than as John contends in part, those slots also traded like
baseball cards, is simply a stupid approach at a policy...

> You cant get evidence of hoarding because they havent hoarded anythign
> yet.

  True again.  But it is the next thing to it Dan...

> Alll you have...is a declaration of intent. In fact...under the
> WLS...it is conceivable that someone could pay for a slot for a
> particular domain, wait a year or two...then...because business plans
> change...decide when the domain comes free, decide...at that time they
> don't want it!!!!!!

  Yes, and than they can sell that slot to someone else, just like
WLS-SQUATTING as John suggests...

> Now how on earth..are you going to account for all these possibilities?

  Ditch WLS...

> We are dealing in futures. To me its akin to that sci-fi movie with Tom
> Cruise where you get committed of a crime because they figure you are
> going to do it one day....

  Isn't that called reasonable suspicion???

> 'why wait until they have it? ' John asks.  Simple. cause until they
> do....you really dont know what they are going to do with it.

  Again what they do with it is not relevant.  It is what they do with the
"Place in the Line for it" that matters...

>  If they
> intended an abusive registration (I hate the term cybersquatting) they
> could simply lie through their teeth

  Yes much like Afilias ( .INFO) perhaps?

> . how would you prove otherwise?
> look for a business plan? check financing?

  No.  WLS activity history and/or past business history...

> John Berryhill wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > what you are propsing is the essentially the same process that happens
> > > when someone registers a domain name....absent the actual registration.
> >
> > But that's the point of the WLS - it provides an exclusive ability to the
> > WLS slot holder to register the domain name.  So, it is really no different
> > from having the domain name itself in that regard.
> >
> > Since the UDRP is effective to take away unused domain names from
> > cybersquatters, what difference does it make whether you have a
> > cybersquatter with an unused domain name, or a WLS-squatter who is merely a
> > prospective cybersquatter?
> >
> > With the WLS, we'll know in advance who will get a domain name.  Why wait
> > until they have it?
> --
> Dan Steinberg
> SYNTHESIS:Law & Technology
> 35, du Ravin            phone: (613) 794-5356
> Chelsea, Quebec         fax:   (819) 827-4398
> J9B 1N1                 e-mail:synthesis@videotron.ca
> --
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