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[ga] Verisign and WLS: The Mike Tysons of domain proposals


Last night, a post by Chuck Gomes was put up on the Transfers Task
Force mailing list, re: WLS, at:


I was going to respond this morning to its misinformation, but Ross
Radar did a masterful job at:


The most hilarious paragraph Chuck wrote was:

"[Gomes, Chuck] If the above two recommendations are based on the
reasoning in this document that has absolutely no documented, objective
data as its foundation, then the transfers task force has provided the
community with live evidence that the DNSO processes are horribly
flawed.  I would like to think that ICANN staff can recognize a
politically motivated action from one that is objectively based."

in response to the recommendations that WLS be rejected. I trust that
the ICANN staff can differentiate the words of those who are truly
looking out for consumers and competition, and those coming from a
self-serving abusive monopolist like Verisign. The only time Verisign
notices consumers is when they're running over them.

I also found it hilarious that Chuck tried to justify higher prices for
WLS as being in the interests of consumers. Verisign would have a lot
more credibility talking about benefits to consumers were it not doing
so while its hands are constantly in our pockets. In the immortal words
of Charlton Heston:

"Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!" 

While Verisign was once the 800 pound gorilla, a Mike Tyson of domains
that everyone feared, that could push around consumers, other
registrars, and even ICANN with impunity to serve its own needs, I'm
happy to see that the DNSO is looking to preserve competition through
its sound rejection of WLS. The DNSO is reminding Verisign that they
serve us, the consumers, and not the other way around. Their monopoly
becomes abusive the moment they forget that, and seek to enrich
themselves at the expense of all other market participants, as they
have attempted with WLS.

Just like Mike Tyson, Verisign's time has passed, as new agile
competitors have climbed the ranks, and sophisticated consumers no
longer believe the paternalistic "father knows best" routine emanating
from Virginia. Instead of offering us real values and innovation
through its offerings, a win-win scenario, Verisign has been revealed
"in the ring" to have limited skills, and has taken a pounding before
ultimately being knocked out.

With apologies to the ladies, Chuck's latest post shows to me that
Verisign hits like a girl, with no force or credibility behind its

The only question that remains is whether Verisign will say "no mas",
while we dance around the ring showing them the bolo punches, or
instead whether they will wait for "Lennox Lewis" at the ICANN meeting
to show them their final destiny.


George Kirikos

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