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Dear Sir,

I know definitely that this mail might come as a surprise to you I am sorry for what ever inconveniences it might poss. to you i decided to reach you my email for security reasons and I just pray you do not divulge my proposal to you, for sake of my safety and personality. 

Permit me to introduce my self to you; I am Ajuziogu John the[PA]personal assistance to the late minister of sports Ishayi Mark
Aku. My proposal to you is confidential and urgent. i have in my possession treasure boxes containing $38.6m USD to be delivered within five days to your door step pending your acceptance. 

The above mentioned fund is deposited in a security house in Nigeria here as family valuables, i recovered this money from the very day my boss died in an ill-fated air crash in Kano the money was recovered in his resident in Abuja. I was supposed to have traveled with him on that day of the incident but he charged me to handle other vital
issues pending his return, but little did i know that he was not coming back.

The federal government is officially handing over his Abuja resident to the new sports minister so as such there is virtually no problem since nobody has raised an eye braw over the money. This transaction is risk free because it is only me that knows about this money, i  will appreciate it if you fraternize with me to secure this money. 

The percentage of sharing will be 80% for me while 20% will be yours, remember this transaction is strictly confidential. We have to write an agreement that would be sent by FAX as regarding the sharing and the entire transaction.

Promise you will send me a letter of invitation to come over to your country for the sharing and you advice me on the viable businesses there in your country in which i can invest. Anticipating your reply soonest.

Regards and best wishes.

Ajuziogu John

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