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[ga] Government reverse dichotomy

I think we all agree that representation is a good thing for the running
of the Internet.
I think we all recognize that in many instances that representation is
good if it comes from a government.
I think we all understand that the private sector should be integrated
with the representatives to achieve technical synthesis with the highest
good for users.

But I think we can all agree, especially in light of the wisdom and lack
thereof coming out of US congressional hearings and what is happening
with our sisters and brothers in South Africa, that generally
beauracratic interference only hinders proper outcome.

I have been blessed to work with Thuy Nguyen the ccTLD manager for
dotVN/Vietnam.  He holds his role with utmost trust for the peoples'
good.  He maintains an iron fist yet constantly is striving to better
usage for the people who have entrusted him with such an important
task.  Access is increasing at an amazing rate.  Costs are dropping to
unbelievable lows.  Education is on the increase.  And I would say
reliability has increased two-fold in one year.  Secretary General Truc
gets the whole idea and facilitates growth and accessibility.

Why does the DoC lack such hard work?  Why is ICANN totally lacking in
leadership?  Why do US congress people remain clue less?  Why has not
the EU taken the lead, instead of talking and whining?  Why does the 6th
largest economy in the world (California) have such lousy connectivity?

Some governments are great in this area.  Some just plain suck through
incompetence and arrogance (US).  Some are a combination of evil and
stupidity.  Some are setting paces (NZ and CA).  Some have been taken
for a ride (LA, TV and WS).

Well can we help them or not?  I know this much, it cannot occur without
stone solid leadership and we completely lack that in the US and in
ICANN.  Until we can stop bickering long enough to elect a real leader
and let her run with the ball we will remain a worthless rudderless ship
about to breach upon the rocky shores.

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