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Re: [ga] South African .za ccTLD administrator takes drastic action to prevent government takeover


Happy to agree to disagree but could you explain how you see that .au does
not belong to the Australian community?


>-- Original Message --
>Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 14:59:41 -0700
>From: William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
>Reply-To: ga@dnso.org
>To: owner-ga-full@dnso.org, "Jon Lawrence" <jon@jonlawrence.com>
>CC: ga@dnso.org
>Subject: Re: [ga] South African .za ccTLD administrator takes drastic 
>to prevent government takeover
>Sunday, June 16, 2002, 8:13:27 AM, Jon Lawrence wrote:
>> I don't see anything there that makes this a bad move at all.  Australia
>> has a vigorous democratic process and is capable of managing its domain
>> space in any way it sees fit.
>"It's domain space"  ??
>See, that is part of the problem I have with it  :)
>But, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and we will just have to
>differ on this one.
>Best regards,
>William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
>Save Internet Radio!  
>CARP will kill Webcasting!

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