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Re: [ga] WLS proposal

> Impractical for the following reasons:
> 1) Lotteries are highly regulated and illegal in many cases.

there are way to structure the system so it is not a Lottery.

> 2) Nothing prevents folks from assuming millions of identities for the
> purpose of increasing their odds, thus "gaming" the lottery, assuming
> there is no cost to the lottery. If there is a non-refundable cost to
> the lottery, see #1.

please read some of the registrar proposals they go into these issues and
how they can be resolved.

> In reality, the current system isn't broken. Prove it's broken, before
> trying to create solutions to a problem that doesn't exist. The Status
> Quo, perhaps with a uniform deletions policy to stop Verisign registrar
> from hoarding domains, works better than any of the proposals made to
> date.

yes it is, the system is fair or efficient.

  o registrars are not allowed to know what domains are deleting
  o registries have assumed they must allow DDoS attacks on their systems
    in the form of Add Storms.

> The problem "Verisign isn't making enough money off expired domains"
> isn't a good enough reason, nor a real problem, to change the Status
> Quo. $6/name is more than enough to meet their contractual obligations
> of managing a central database. Oracle or IBM, among others, would
> surely be up to the job if they aren't.

I hope the new .org registry will show everyone how its done fairly and


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