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Re: [ga] WLS proposal


--- Rick Wesson <wessorh@ar.com> wrote:
> > Conclusion: the Status Quo works great! Don't worry, be happy!
> an issue that concerns some is that your statement seems to read:
>   " I making money, so please don't screw up my nice little market
> nitch"
> Its not working for everyone and that is what we are attempting to
> fix in
> a fair and equitable manor, fail to realize that and you are
> marginalized.

You have no basis for stating the above, in regards to "I making
money". In particular, I'm a customer of SnapNames myself (and other
systems). BuyDomains is one of their larger customers, and is against
WLS too. A lot of people are against it, as it's anti-competitive.

I registered the expired Mitsou.com (name of a popular Canadian
musician) to prevent abusive speculators from acquiring the name, and
handed it over to her representatives AT COST. Just this afternoon, I
sent an email to the lawyers for "QueerAsFolk.com", telling them they
better do something, as their name is about to be deleted (should go
either June 19 or June 20, but I won't touch it).

So, I'd appreciate it if you don't generalize and lump me in with those
who are purely into money and self-interest (i.e. like Verisign), and
are framing their arguments with that bias. The current market is
extremely competitive, which is a Good Thing (at least according to my
economic value system), and will continue to evolve in a positive
manner left untouched, or with only minor tweaking.


George Kirikos

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