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Re: [ga] [ncdnhc-discuss] Re: WLS proposal

VeriSign is on the Wall Street treadmill. They can increase revenue
and hide margin slip through acquisitions for a limited time only. One
day, the fat lady always sings. I can spell desperate, but I'll bet
their CEO and CFO can spell it backwards.

Gomez wants to keep his job and making WLS a reality will make him a
hero at VeriSign.

He seems to be a nice guy, but the WLS dog just won't hunt. He needs
to find a different avenue to the medal of honor at VeriSign. I gotta
say, though, that he is persistent and the guy has worked really hard
at it, even in face of those of us with an IQ above that of a rock.


Monday, June 17, 2002, 9:32:46 PM, George Kirikos <gkirikos@yahoo.com> wrote:
GK> Hello,

GK> --- John Berryhill <john@johnberryhill.com> wrote:
>> Could somebody remind me again of what problem the WLS is the
>> proposed
>> solution?

GK> Verisign overpaid for Network Solutions years ago, and needs more
GK> money, especially now that their stock price is below $10. WLS would
GK> let Verisign begin to reprice names at the wholesale level, eventually
GK> moving to a dot-TV pricing scheme, at the extreme.
>> And if the problem is "SnapNames can't compete effectively without a
>> monopoly", you can cry me a river.

GK> Amen.

GK> WLS should be taken as seriously as my own "Let's Make George Kirikos a
GK> Multi-Millionaire Proposal", at:

GK> http://www.opensrs.org/archives/discuss-list/0201/0339.html

GK> Both would be immense cash grabs. Verisign's proposal is maybe treated
GK> more seriously because they might have the power, through leveraging
GK> their monopoly, to force it through. But, both have about the same
GK> sense of "equity" and "fairness".

GK> Sincerely,

GK> George Kirikos
GK> http://www.kirikos.com/

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Don Brown - Dallas, Texas USA     Internet Concepts, Inc.
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