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[ga] Re: [atlarge-discuss] SPAMMING ISSUES - was WLSproposal

At 06:25 AM 18/06/02 -0700, todd glassey wrote:

>As to the real spam issue, the real issue is the
>addresses of the general users of the Internet and
>not ours, and for the largest part they are collected
>through the Browsers we all use to traverse the web.

No they aren't. A few weeks ago I'd suggested you go to
Google and do a search on "Spam FAQ" (with or without
quotes). Apparently you haven't yet done so, or if you
have, you have failed to understand the info available,
or you are in possession of information that seems to
have escaped the notice of the authors of those FAQs.

If it is one of the first two, it behooves you to do
the necessary research if you expect anyone to take
your arguments seriously (and I profess to not being
clear on what you are arguing for, or against). If it
is the latter, again if you want to be taken seriously,
you should explain how it is that my browser divulges
my email address to spammers, or anyone else. -g

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