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[ga] Fwd: VeriSign being investigated by the USPS

  • To: ga@dnso.org
  • Subject: [ga] Fwd: VeriSign being investigated by the USPS
  • From: "wxWeb.com" <william@wxsoft.info>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 13:23:22 -0700
  • In-Reply-To: <1024513711.3d10d6af32c56@mail2.thefriends.info>
  • References: <1024513711.3d10d6af32c56@mail2.thefriends.info>
  • Reply-To: ga@dnso.org
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org

The following is a forwarded message:
From:    Doug Friend <doug@register4less.com>
To:      discuss-list <discuss-list@opensrs.org>
Date:    Wednesday, June 19, 2002, 12:08:31 PM
Subject: VeriSign being investigated by the USPS
Hi all,

Thought I'd share a little good news.  We received a letter and questionnaire
today from the United States Postal Service.  

To quote, "
The United States Postal Intepction Service, the federal law enforcement agency
authorized to investigate crimes involving the use of the U.S. Mail, is
currently gathering information on the mailing practices of VeriSign,
Incorporated ("VeriSign").

Secifically, we are gethering evidence concerning the use of a Domain Name
Expiration Notice and related Domain Name Renewal Form mailing by VeriSign.  To
assist us in this matter, we are aking that you please complete the enclosed

This does not mean action has been taken yet, but there is now an active
investigation to gather evidence against the company.  Couldn't happen to a
nicer company;)



Doug Friend

End of original message

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