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Re: [ga] WLS

Thursday, June 20, 2002, 9:48:04 AM, Gomes, Chuck wrote:

> Please elaborate on the consumer choice that is available today.  What
> specifically are the choices?  How does a consumer find the choices?  What
> will the consumer have to pay if he/she is successful?  How easy is it?
> Everyone continues to make these broad generalizations but nobody puts
> forward any measurable data to support them.

Common sense, Chuck.

Something has been lacking in Verisign and NSI before that for a long
time now.

Common sense would have avoided Verisign now being the subject of a
USPS Postal Investigative service investigation on their advertising,
not to mention at least 3 lawsuits I know of on the same issue.

Common sense would have avoided creating a predatory system to block
customers from trying to exercise their right of choice, and thus
creating an even worse image for the company throughout the internet,
resulting in mass exodus of domain names now, from providers who
realized they should get all of their own and their customers domains
out from under the Verisign/NSI registrar immediately.

Common sense would have avoided charges of stock price manipulation
by the company's Shareholders, and the resulting lawsuit.

"Trust is the foundation of every human relationship" an image on your
company's website said recently.  It really is too bad your company
doesn't live by those slogans.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
Save Internet Radio!  
CARP will kill Webcasting!

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