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Re: [ga] Verisign now auctioning off dot-cc names on eBay

this is an interesting example for an econmics person. To me the inventory
on the eBay store is way over inflated and after viewing as many pages as
I could, I couldn't find one auction in progress.

It does not apprar that it does the market (primary or secondary) any good
to have that volume of inventory unavailable because the registry
overpriced the strings. How much money does a registry need?

I hope this points to the bottom of the barrel for the industry and after
we all have learned our lessons about auctioning names we'll get back to
building businesses, organizations, and ideas to be communicated on the
hosts under those domain names.

It is almost too sad that greed has gone this far.


On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, George Kirikos wrote:

> Hello,
> I've not seen this mentioned before, but they're now auctioning off .cc
> names. It had previously been noted that they were auctioning off .bz
> names. See their store at:
> http://www.ebaystores.com/id=47260199
> Is this the future of dot-com?
> Chuck Gomes had written at:
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga/Arc10/msg02298.html
> "How does a consumer find the choices?  What will the consumer have to
> pay if he/she is successful?  How easy is it?"
> Well, I went to http://www.nic.cc, and typed in "games" and was told
> that games.cc was already taken. Hmmm. Not finding a "back order this
> domain" button, I looked for the WHOIS...
> http://www.nic.cc/cgi-bin/whois?domain=games.cc
> Domain Name: games.cc
> Creation Date: 10-12-1997
> Expiration Date: 10-12-2007
> Not very much detail. If I wanted to buy the name, can't really contact
> the current owner....
> So, let's see if there's a webpage. I went to http://www.games.cc and
> just see an under construction page -- there is an email to
> "registrant@games.cc", though....perhaps someone will reply....
> No link to the eBay auction, nada, which is at:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2033366154
> Only $25,000 opening bid! Who knows what the reserve is...
> I'm glad that Verisign is out there protecting consumers from
> speculators.... ;) Who are the real speculators out there, Chuck?
> I think I'll keep my http://Games.org/ instead. :)
> Sincerely,
> George Kirikos
> http://www.kirikos.com/
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