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Re: [ga] WLS

Joe and all assembly members,

Joe Sims wrote:

> Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:
>  Mr. Sims,
>  I believe you don't *want* to understand the problems the WLS raises.
>   In fact, I think you'd rather ignore them.   Which is basically what
>  your email amounts to.  Why bother to send such messages.
> A better question would be why you (and a few others) bother to waste
> everyone's time and space with such trivial, non-substantive responses?

  I would have to say to get your attention is why Joe.  You seem to
frequently remind many and increasing numbers of stakeholders/users
that you are much like the missouri Mule.  Ergo the E-Mail equivalent
of a 2x4 smacked in-between your eyes is needed far to often to
get your attention.

>  I
> take it you don't have anything useful to say.  In such circumstances, it
> might have been better to remain mute rather than demonstrate the point.

  Well Joe, it seems that "Demonstrating the point" at least got your
all be it not a positive or productive sort of attention...

> Thanks to Ross Rader, Bret Fausett, Jamie Love, Elisabeth Porteneuve, John
> Berryhill, Gary Osbourne, Thomas Roessler and Chuck Gomes for trying to
> help me understand the rationale underlying the various positions that
> people have taken on this issue.

  And thank you Joe, for finally paying at least some attention.  Better
late than never I suppose..  Had you participated on the two Phone
conferences that were held a few weeks back now, you would be
up to speed.  But of course, I am sure you were busy with other
matters of more importance...

> Joe Sims
> Jones Day Reavis & Pogue
> 51 Louisiana Avenue NW
> Washington, D.C. 20001
> Direct Phone:  1.202.879.3863
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> Mobile Phone:  1.703.629.3963
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  • References:
    • [ga] WLS
      • From: "Joe Sims" <jsims@JonesDay.com>

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