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[ga] Re: GA Bucharest Agenda

Hello Danny,

[sorry, I didn't immediately see that you CCed the list!]

As you probably know from earlier GA meetings, the "Bucharest GA" 
is far from identical with the "online GA". The "Bucharest GA" 
will consists of much more people with business and g/ccTLD
registries/registrars background than usually in the online GA.
I certainly believe that the reform will be the number one
issue which will be discussed everywhere anyhow. So it would
really be the people who are *not* present in Bucharest who
should speak up. Why don't you and others (I'm afraid I'm caught 
up in pre-organizing in the next days) discuss this on the list 
and maybe come up with a (short) statement for the ICANN Public 
Forum? I hope that the Names Council members will again attend 
the GA meeting and I would be disappointed if the number of Board 
members listening would be as small as in Accra (only Rob Blokzijl 
in the very last minute). To make a difference, you should make 
your voice heard at the *Board* level, I think. If you want to 
discuss this at the GA meeting, send me a short statement in time 
for the GA meeting and I'll raise it in the "GA Public Forum" 
session. However, please keep in mind that it's not *me* you have 
to convince.

Best regards,
/// Alexander

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